A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

and bitte ballen

Post 1001

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

We often go a bit quiet before lunch. It livens up once the American contingent get out of bed.

I have never been able to get contact lenses anywhere near my eyes. I'm a complete wimp when it comes to eyes. smiley - yuk

I spent the morning compiling a list of my graphics which should have been put in the <./>GuideML-PictureLibrary</.> but weren't for some reason. Of the 53 graphics that should be there only 29 made it in. So that's 24 missing. Ah, is that the sound of gnashing of teeth I hear coming from the Towers? smiley - devil

except that he couldn't speak Dutch

Post 1002


I have worn contact lenses for 30 years. I have had episodes of problems wearing them, but then I found a brilliant independent optometrist who has made every effort to help me carry on wearing them. He knows how much I loathe glasses.

I started wearing specs when I was 10, astigmatism with myopia was picked up at an eye test before starting boarding school. As I come from a family that didn't believe in encouraging vanity in any form, my confidence regarding my appearance was already pretty low and the specs was about the final straw.

I have always blamed my inability to do Maths on the fact that before 10 years, I couldn't see the blackboard to do the sums.

Contact lenses was literaly an eye opener and in the 70s the technology wasn't nearly as advanced as now, no milling down the edges to make hard lenses more comfortable, etc, it was literally like putting a piece of glass in your eye.

If your daughter can cope with lenses and her eyes are suitable, then I do hope she gets them asap, MR

except that he couldn't speak Dutch

Post 1003


Sorry to hear about the funding for the course not being there MTG. Sorry to hear about your daughter MR. I to find contact lenese more convenitent than glasses. I've worn them since I was 13 but have had more problems than i ourght to have done, mainly because at that age I didn't take all of the precautions to keep them clean that I ourght to have done.

The odd thing is that I feel more confident and look better in glasses so I am the only person who takes contact lenses out in the evening and wears glasses out.

without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1004


Do they put contacts on someone that young? I found out that when you get fat, so do your eyeballs. smiley - yikes Your contacts won't fit right.

Wore contacts for years but have abandoned them and gone back to my glasses. The glasses aren't as attractive, but they don't hurt and I'm not trying to win a beauty contest anyway. Which is a good thing. smiley - erm

without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1005


Please don't mention fat smiley - yikes was 97 Kg yesterday, still I've discovered tinned soup is a low cal and filling meal.

It took me ages to find an optician who would give me contact lenses at 13.

without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1006


It is becoming much more common to fit youngsters with lenses, the extended wear disposable ones being the most popular. Generally they seem to be responsible and sensible about wearing them.

Looking back, it was probably the lack of compliments that did my self esteem more harm than the specs. Even when I was old enough to attend grown-up parties, having taken 1-2 hours to get ready all my mother would say was 'you look nice'. I wanted to look beautiful smiley - wah! Oh well, no one could possible call me vain now!

It took me a long time to forgive my mother for making me go to a party without my glasses when I was 17, pre-lenses day. I could barely see in front of my nose and there were several subalterns (junior Army officers), I ended making a complete twit of myself as I could barely see who I was talking to! smiley - flustered

without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1007


At least these days there are nice style glasses around for kids. I remember having to start wearing them when I was about 7 and all you could get were the thick rimmed 'NHS' specs. Still they were tough and they had to be, the number of sets of frames I must have broken whist growing up!

without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1008


I've got through three sets of frames since January, smiley - blush and I wear contact lenses on days when I'm in a rush and not bothered about my appearance.

without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1009



without twitching uncontrollably in the presence of bulb catalogs

Post 1010


65 years. Pfft.

I am ill so i am heading back home for the day. If a certain someone wants to chat i'll be around at 1ish

Reviewing his options, he decided

Post 1011

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I completely re-did my changes to Billy for the presentation, yesterday. Did something more basic and less arguable...

More to do today.

Reviewing his options, he decided

Post 1012

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

boots, I meant to say, usually I start a new conversation at about post 1000, but it's a fraught weekend. And, as Amy said, there's a time zone effect here in the salon, so salonistas make their presences felt in waves.

Strangely, we don't seem to have any antipodeans. Do we?

Reviewing his options, he decided

Post 1013

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Not since we mislaid Loony smiley - sadface.

To try and search for his second cousin who lived somewhere near Preston

Post 1014


Thanks for that Lil.
Subulterns eh? Now you wouldn't be an army brat would you Caerwynn? smiley - winkeye
take care
PS what's the thing with the [boots] brackets?

To try and search for his second cousin who lived somewhere near Preston

Post 1015



And worked as a pupeteer

Post 1016


that's it! what is it?
take care

And worked as a pupeteer

Post 1017

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

It's a calling card, boots. See the first subheading of A304354. We leave them on the silver tray on the table by the lobby.

A job he was exceptionally ill suited to

Post 1018


Phew thanks Amy...Boots wipes brow for the second time in one day. Think I almost understand the rules now.
take care

A job he was exceptionally ill suited to

Post 1019

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")


As he had extraordinarily large...e

Post 1020


[boots] smiley - winkeye

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