A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Lighting crashed and the storm raged on the tundra as the faithful retainer settled in his chair before the fire and reflected on this tale and wondered what happened to the cook

Post 981


Mmmm...banana cream. smiley - drool

called Thomas who always had that interest in travel

Post 982



...and I've got some serious backlog to get through smiley - headhurts

to what polite society called "exotic locations."

Post 983

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Back from dental and eye appointments for the small person. She has a cavity, but the dentist figures she's due to lose the tooth in a month or less, so thinks there's no real point in filling it (finally, an honest dentist!!!)

On the other hand, the eyes aren't so great. She's pretty severely nearsighted (no wonder she sits so close to the TV if I let her!), so we had to pick out glasses.

The cook had made an abrupt about-turn after realizing ...

Post 984

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

81. But now I'll have to go back and watch the address bar.
smiley - dog

[bowling sucks]

Post 985

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Just got back from teh first night of league. It was awful...

Well, I have the ooportunity to stay at work another month, but I declined. I am too clsoe to escaping to add 200% more time in captivity. I have but a fortnight to survive.

[bowling sucks]

Post 986

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Can't say I blame you for declining such a wonderful offer.

he had forgotten

Post 987

life is like a cup of coffee...

86 but my wife got a 93, guess she had better pay into that life insurance for me.

to get the bets to the bookmaker

Post 988

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

aw, marv...but it's such a great place....


to get the bets to the bookmaker

Post 989

a girl called Ben

180 posts in 2 days? I am not even going to attempt the backlog - if I get hung up on the backlog on this thread, I won't be able to post here ever again.

Boots and Caer presumably told you that we had a great night out. It really was fun, and lovely to put faces to user-names at last.

I have spent this week being my PL's Driver; I think I have done the best part of 2000 miles in the last 2 weeks, and to be honest I am shattered. Those of you who have never driven on English roads (and I specifically exclude Scottish and Welsh ones) won't appreciate the full horror. I must look up the stats on cars-per-mile, but Southern England has got to be one of the most congested places on the planet.

Oh - Update on smiley - cat - Archer and Aitken's brother. R finally managed to get in touch with his owner, who is full of apologies and says she is feeding him properly. Being able to give weights and measurements for *two* of his litter-mates must have helped a lot. She "hadn't realised that he needed so much food...." (Despite the fact it said so clearly and simply in R's instructions smiley - huh).

I will probably have to go down to Hampshire and then to Heathrow this afternoon/evening - I will need to leave work at about 13.00 and won't be back home till about 19.00. I am actually going to ask my PL to take a taxi: it is about £60 but at the moment the thought of 6 hours spent on the M4, the M3, the M25 and the M40 is not my view of catching up with some rest after a really strenuous two weeks.


to get the bets to the bookmaker

Post 990

a girl called Ben

Oh - and apparently I will live to 83.


inorder to put a 'pony' on the odds on favourite

Post 991


How much is a pony anyway? I loved 'Minder' and all the betting jargon Arthur used, not that I ever understood any of it!

Looks like another day of rain, but we do need it, there will be more over the weekend.

Marv, you might as well make the break now as later. Any new developments yet on the cooking front?

inorder to put a 'pony' on the odds on favourite

Post 992


*creeps in*
Psst! Cockney rhyming slang madam? A649
A smiley - pony is £25
*creeps out*
smiley - bluefish

After this mistake, the cook had wisely decided to

Post 993

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - orangebutterfly]

go to a Dutch chef college and

Post 994


Hey, everyone !

FG, you may be right about the Mesopatmian temple whore. But understand, it was accepted in many societies at that time that every young woman should prostitute herself before she was eligible for marriage.

MR, exactly how bad is the small person's eyesight ? I got glasses when I was 7, and it turned out I couyld'nt see the chalk board. How wonderful it would be to open my eyes in the morning and be able to see clearly !

Incidentally, I still blame Madonna. She didn't just make dressing sexy chic, she made it chic to literally dress like a prostitute ! And many of these girls were only 12 or 13 years old. Britney and Aguillera are only following in her footsteps for a new generation.

go to a Dutch chef college and

Post 995


Can't take the age test. Probably should be dead already !

go to a Dutch chef college and

Post 996



go to a Dutch chef college and

Post 997

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Bryce, you're my age...chicken!! smiley - kiss

Her eyesight is, well, piss poor in her right eye. Her left eye is only slightly nearsighted, but her right eye is apparently quite bad...the numbers were (and I could be wrong) 20/40 in her left eye, and 20/100 in her right. So that's why the optometrist gave her glasses. It might help, she said, with depth perception, and doing things like riding a bike, etc.

learn how to make proper mayonaise

Post 998


85 what happens when we get to 1000
boots (new at this)

and bitte ballen

Post 999


Did I say something wrong? It's very quiet in the Salon. On the eye front, until I started to use a computer I had 20/20 vision. In less than five years I became blind Pugh. Tried contacts but they are not user friendly
take care

and bitte ballen

Post 1000

marvthegrate LtG KEA

What an excellent night...

I went to a club with some friends. It is a goth club and it was fetish night, meaning that the goth kids dress even more outragous than normal.

When I was there I was greeted by a very good freind who is in teh Army. He got home on leave today, and I did not expect to see him in a dance club after an 18 hour flight to SLC from Korea.

We then went to an all night diner and ate and talked. I cannot express how thrilled I was to see X tonight.

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