A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

fwhich proved a little difficult as the only pair in the country....

Post 1081


I'll miss you Ben! I do hope that you won't be absent for too long, and I've got you IM, so we might even be able to arrange something in the real world *shudder* soon.

was size 19 triple E

Post 1082


Hurry back Ben. smiley - hug

Rain...temps in the 80's...must be hallucinating. smiley - cdouble

Reinjured the wrist yesterday. This is very inconvenient. I have boxes to pack. Guess I'll just have to supervise. smiley - whistle Dang!

and they had been hidden under the altar of the Church of the One True Brownie, whose Archbishop

Post 1083

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ben, I understand you needing to get away from the backlog here -- it even happens to your hostess, when Life needs more attention.

But I'll miss you and I know everyone else will, too. Come back when you can.

happened to have

Post 1084

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Stressed? Take a stress test.


happened to have

Post 1085

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I apparently need a bit of time off here...

amazingly large feet and a super recipe for Tundran Reindeer Kabobs

Post 1086


Cute test, Amy. smiley - tongueout

and allowing Animal to play the xylophone

Post 1087

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

[d'E] <-- trying to catch up with the story, about half-way there (or here).
[smiley - dog]

[oops!] amazingly large feet and a super recipe for Tundran Reindeer Kabobs

Post 1088

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

smiley - erm

the favourite meal of the third elf from the left

Post 1089


I shall miss you too Ben, but if it means life is a little less frantic, then fair nuff.

the favourite meal of the third elf from the left

Post 1090


Yeah take care Ben :o)

the favourite meal of the third elf from the left

Post 1091


I'll miss you around the place B. Just got back from buying a nodding dog for A's boyfriend who has just past his driving test. They're off to Sainsburys now to buy more shopping than one can usually carry back on the train.

although he is somewhat reindeer intolerant, which leads to

Post 1092

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Amy, if I was stressed, that helped to relieve it!


an interesting combination of symptoms, namely

Post 1093

Titania (gone for lunch)

Phew - backlog... take care, Ben!smiley - smiley *goes to check the stress link*

generalized rash, a purple discolration of the left cornea and a craving dor bread and butter pickles

Post 1094



generalized rash, a purple discolration of the left cornea and a craving dor bread and butter pickles

Post 1095

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

*falls off the sofa after taking the stress test*

generalized rash, a purple discoloration of the left cornea and a craving for bread and butter pickles

Post 1096


Sigh. But I have an excuse. I have a sprained wrist.


Post 1097

marvthegrate LtG KEA

We will keep a spot open for you Ben. smiley - hug


Post 1098

Bald Bloke



Post 1099


Moonlight and I had a day at the Saatchi gallery in London today. http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/

That part of the South Bank has become so commercial since the London Eye opened! I used to sit there in the 1970's and it was a place of peace before catching a train home from work. In the 90's, when my children were small and we'd had a day out we would often end it with a visit to a playground there and watch the river.

When the Eye was being built we watched and were there on the day it finally lifted, standing right underneath. Now the area is full and busy, with street entertainers, vendors, ice cream vans and hundreds of people. In one way it's good to see the development of the area, but in another way it's sad.

However, the art was fascinating. Some we've seen before over the past few years and some pieces that were new to us.
smiley - bluefish

Fortunately, there was a medical student in the salon.

Post 1100

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

What is the Eye?

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