A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

she reached behind and retrieved her...

Post 1181

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Neither Marv or I are experts on Mormon weddings but, let me tell you what I understand.

In order to be admitted to the inner chambers of the temple you have to have a temple recommend. This is basically a pass that says "I'm a good mormon boy/girl". No recommend, no entrance.

What you have to do to get a recommend, I couldn't tell you.


she reached behind and retrieved her...

Post 1182

marvthegrate LtG KEA

To get a temple reccomend you have to be a member in good standing, you have to pay your tithing, and you have to have your bishop (the LDS lay clergy) give you the reccomend.

The LDS church only allows members with a temple reccomend to go inside the temples. This causes those family members who are not LDS or not members in good stnading, to be disallowed to the ceremonies. It is a common complaint.

The next wedding I go to will be between GDZ's brother who is Presbyterian and a Mormon girl. The service is being performed at an LDS church, but not in a temple.

she reached behind and retrieved her...

Post 1183


That seems a bit harsh, but I suppose that this things are up to each religon aren't they?

I'm in the univesity computer cluster researching my next presentation - this one is worth a lot.About whether dipstick testing of urine for microscopic haematuria (blood in urine that you can't see) is a good screening test. So far I've discovered that haematuria is spelt hematuria in the US.

iguana named Phil

Post 1184


Hello all! Well, as of December 1st, I will be moving into a restored and remodeled circa 1870s army barracks that has been turned into a one-bedroom apartment with a sunken living room, bay window, washer/dryer hookups, French doors, and a small deck of my own with off-street parking and plenty of morning sun. The fellow that owns the building and is doing the construction work (and lives in another unit himself) is a genial plumbing & heating contractor here in town who has his own secret special salsa recipe and is known for leaving jars of it on the porches of his renters. I'm welcome to stop by as the remodeling process is going on and put in my two cents. I'm excited to see the final product! smiley - smiley

I hope everyone's weekend went well.


Post 1185


Oh, and I will also have cathedral ceilings, exposed beams and ceiling fans in the main living room/dining room/kitchen...

she reached behind and retrieved her...

Post 1186

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Correction Marv, Aaron's wedding is not being held in a ward building. It is being held at a reception type center.



Post 1187


smiley - wow so things did work out for the best congratulations, you must be so excited about being able to move, it sounds a really nice pad.


Post 1188

marvthegrate LtG KEA

But the wedding is being performed by an LDS bishop, this was a peace offereing to her parents it seems.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1189


[spk, finally caught up with the last 200 posts]

who was a great fan of Jamiroquai

Post 1190


FG, the apartment sounds wonderful! Like a smiley - cat you have landed on your feet. I do hope you can post some photos.

I wonder how GL's redecorating is coming on.

Z, at least things have moved on a step when the only way to detect glucose in urine was to taste it! smiley - yikes

So is this exclusion thing in the Mormon temple just to a certain area within it or to the whole building?

I've been busy burning cds for the car. I was getting bored with the 4 in the cd changer. I do miss napster, Kazaa is so intrusive on the desktop. The sons use it, so I occasionally go and raid their libraries. It is quite funny watching other users trying to fileshare, as it starts all fast and zippy...until the firewall cuts them off

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1191


*hands award to SPK* I'm sorry to say that the majority of them that were mine were of no relevence or importance whatsoever.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1192


*hands award to SPK* I'm sorry to say that the majority of them were mine and of no relevence or importance whatsoever.


Post 1193

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Well done, FG. I'm glad it turned out ok in the end. It sounds like a lovely place to live.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1194




Post 1195

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

That would be correct

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1196

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Non-LDS people and members without the temple reccomend cannot enter the building. And as I understand it there are limits on where you can go within the building as well.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1197


Brilliant, I've found a topic that looks like it might be an interesting source of debate, two NHS guidelines contradict each other.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1198


Thanks for the information. I'm afraid I don't understand their reasoning, but now I'll know to de tactful when they get back and the subject comes up. I guess they feel that their holy places will be polluted or something. But it makes it hard on the friends and family of the couple.

I've read things about the Mormons who still practise polygamy - how they separate themselves from the rest of society - live in compounds, etc. Perhaps this is a milder version of that. Separating people from their friends and relatives who might disagree with the religion and cause the members to have doubts. Some of the Pentecostal groups in my area do similar things. They only associate with members of their church.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1199


H - in addition to what Marv and Zomnker have stated, you cannot go into the "marrying room" (they have a name for it but it escapes me) unless you are actually married in the LDS church. That could be the major reason the brother was not allowed.

*dated a Mormon for a while*

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1200

marvthegrate LtG KEA

There are polygamists in my neighborhood. They keep to themselves, and are ignored by the church at large. Many rural areas have a few poly families and a few make the news when they get busted for something else (tax fraud being a common crime).

For the most part, poly families keep quiet, as they are condemed by the church of an official proclamation a number of years ago. Many are members of the RLDS (reformed latter day saints) church, which still teaches that polygamy is the intent of God.

The polygamist were made outlaws in the 1890's. This happened before Utah Statehood in 1896. Make your own conclusions.

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