A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

A Masque

Post 141


/* A reindeer enters and sniffs around the food. Then spotting the Operatic Squirrel stands stock still with his front left hoof raised, tail straight back, all attention focused on the Squirrel. */
smiley - reindeer

A Masque

Post 142

Kitty (It is a truth universally acknowledged...)

/Kitty's distress does not seem to have taken her mind entirely off the dip on her nose and so it is a voice rather muffled by hankerchief which plaintively murmurs that garlic is indeed exceedingly good for the complexion...

Rebeautification complete, the hanky is removed and Lil is revealed, tho', such Kitty's confusion, she is now no longer sure if Lil were Mr Holmes or Mr Wilde...

She uses the hankerchief to wave sadly goodbye to Vash and Marv, before turning to gaze wonderingly at the reindeer/

A Masque

Post 143


*stares wonderingly up at the fireworks*

Oooooohhhh..............Aaaaaaahhhhhh.............Amazing...........Did you see that one?

smiley - wow

A Masque

Post 144

Kitty (It is a truth universally acknowledged...)

/Eyes wide, hands clasped thrillingly under her chin, small gasps of excitement escaping her, Kitty enjoys the fireworks/

A Masque

Post 145

The Pooka MacPhellimey

*The Pooka is still busy segregating the odd numerals from the even ones. He tried every possible combination with the dices, complicating it by various operations. Since it took so very long, he sat on the floor to be comfortable.*

5*6=30 , ends with a zero, therefore seemingly even
6*6=36 , also even, great!

*satisfied with the results of his meditation, he raises his eyes from the dices and looks around*

Did I miss something? The presents perhaps?
Oh! Mr Wilde? Lil that's you?
And Mr The Stampede... Very difficult to believe, all this.

*Then the Pooka looks up*

Hmm, fireworks...

Nature of his tone:
somewhat blasé

I happen to be myself endowed with a few pyrotechnic gifts, inherited in direct line from my great great great grandfather the famous Pooka Flann MacPhellimey. He deemed it necessary for a modern devil.

*The Pooka mutters something and suddenly the entire sky seems to be on fire. Yet the flames gradually change colours, from yellow-orange to green, purple and then deep blue, which fades back into the starry sky. At that moment every visible star seems to explode, and the very sparks from those stars fall like heavy rain *inside* the atelier, filling it with a gold mist.*

A Masque

Post 146

The Pooka MacPhellimey

Warm smiley - cuddle for MTG and his mum.

A Masque

Post 147

Lady Constance Umbra

smiley - disco
Fireworks! How delightful!
smiley - disco

/She claps her hands together in delight and jumps up and down excitedly./
smiley - bluebutterfly

A Masque

Post 148

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*gratefully sheds the bulkier parts of her Oscar Wilde costume and leans back to enjoy the fireworks*

A Masque

Post 149

Sherlock Holmes

*admires the fireworks, trying to figure out which chemicals were used*

*slightly surprised by the discovery that Madame Zora's nose was genuine - imagine that!*smiley - winkeye

A Masque

Post 150

Professor Plum

*Enjoys the fireworks immensely and is astounded by the Pooka's pyrotechnics.*

My, my... I've never seen anything like that!

A Masque

Post 151

The Pooka MacPhellimey

*Smiles to the professor and around to everyone.*
smiley - crescentmoon
What a wonderful night, and how funny it's not going to last forever.
smiley - star
*With a big leap reaches the centre of the hall, and starts undoing the knot of his mask behind his head.*

It's a pity I have to go now, midnight's close and... well you know what happens then: RL takes over and the phone bill comes. Besides [he hums the air], exams are at hand.

*From behind the mask Typolifi's features appear. smiley - biggrin*

It's been quite a nice birthday for me here, and thanks to all for your wishes. Of course, there were no presents smiley - tongueout, but on the other side nobody knew whom to give them smiley - silly.
My guesses so far are on the Pooka's space, but I don't know half of you enough for them to be precise.

Have fun and see you around.

smiley - xmastree

A Masque

Post 152

Vash the Stampede, the $$60,000,000,000 Man

/Vash-Marv take a call on his mobile and a relieved look crosses his face/

My mom is doing a lot better now. Thanks for everyone's thoughts. She has been released from teh hospital and is doing quite well. The doctor decided not to perform surgery after all.

Typolifi, it is nice to meet you. I hope that you join the main conversation in the Atelier.


A Masque

Post 153

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Typolifi! I can't believe it! That was you!!

Dang, we are good at disguises if I do say so myself.

*turns around to look at the remaining guests: the Operatic Squirrel, Garanor, Fraulein Strumpfhosen, Kitty, Madame Zora, and no less than three detectives: Maxwell Smart, Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Clouseau -- and the fellow with the W-shaped glasses*

A Masque

Post 154

The Operatic Squirrel

*The Operatic Squirrel finally gets over its fright at seeing a huge reindeer foot seemingly about to strike. Starts backing away.*
Umm, Mr. Deer sir, kindly stop pointing at me, it is very worrying.
*Holds a nut in front of its face and tries some deep breathing exercises.*

A Masque

Post 155

Sherlock Holmes

I'll have to agree with you Lil - I had the Pooka down as one of the regular Salonistas - well done Typolifi! *shakes hands enthusiastically*

*grudgingly rearranges his list of suspects*

A Masque

Post 156


/* The reindeer wags his tail when the Squirrel addresses him, but other than that keeps pointing straight at him. */
smiley - reindeer

A Masque

Post 157

Madame Zora

*Madame Zora uses the distraction caused by the fireworks and she... well, that would be giving it away now, wouldn't it?

A Masque

Post 158

Sherlock Holmes

*frowns at smiley - reindeer*

No Zep- Reindeer - you are not to go chasing after squirrels!

*suddenly struck by an idea*

*squints at the Squirrel, thoughtfully*

*rearranges list of suspects in his mind*

A Masque

Post 159


It always surprises me that reindeer are not as big as you think they should be. No wonder Santa needs so many to pull his sledge.

*has a suspicion that Madame Zora is up to something. Unless she has only mislaid her handkerchief*

A Masque

Post 160

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ah, I had forgotten Don E. Gal.

*heads for the birthday cake table, which is still suspended from the ceiling, to get a slice of the smiley - cake*

*Lil looks rather odd, since she is still wearing the bottom half of her Oscar Wilde costume, which is padded to suggest Wilde's larger girth, and she still has on his foppish hat, but is only wearing a tank top in between*

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