Flappy tail and bushy cape, or something

Welcome all to yet another me on this site. I, that is a squirrel with a yearning after Pavarotti, am already a researcher elsewhere, this is mearly me in disguise. But who am I, that is the question? If you know, please write to me on the back of a five euro note with the answer.
This particular squirrel is of the Sciurus Vulgaris variety. Thus it has a deep yearning for pine forests and a deep distrust of Grey Squirrels. It also likes to feel that it is a cultured squirrel, hence its love of opera, even it hasn't a clue what is going on, and its great delight at being invited to the Masque. Its not sure if it will be able to cope with all the people but hopefully the host will appreciate the nut roast it intends to bring along.
Anyway, enough of this third person, I'm off to the ball, now where did I put the bicycle?


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The Operatic Squirrel

Researcher U207979


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