Party Time.

Kitty is preparing for a masque in a room which is a dazzlingly bright white, with an awful lot of cute cuddly toys dotted about the place.

A slight, blond-haired figure, she is standing in front of her full length mirror, in which her image appears slightly sharper than you might expect, surveying her outfit.

An empire line dress of a sky-blue colour to match her eyes is the main theme here. It is extremely demure, done up high to the neck and is most assuredly not damped to reveal any aspect of her figure in any way. She drapes the softly green feather boa around her shoulders and checks that the matching reticule contains the flask of extremely pure water, and her invitation.

Just time to add a tough of sparkly lip gloss, smear a few drops of a rather oddly pungent perfume, reminiscent more of kitchens than ballrooms, behind her ears, and toss a couple of silver crosses around her neck. Picking up her violet domino mask, she exits the room.

Before leaving the house, however, Kitty makes her way to an altogether different kind of room. Opening the door a crack, which promptly oozes darkness, she says:

"Mama, I'm away to the ball."

"OK, sveetie," purrs a velvety voice from inside. "Haff a nice time."

"I will." Kitty goes to close the door...

"Dont forget..."

"No, Mama."

"Haff you gott...?"

"Yes, Mama."


"YES, Mama. Don't worry."

Kitty leaves.

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A Masque Nov 13, 2002 Dec 22, 2002
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Kitty (It is a truth universally acknowledged...)

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