A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

53Xth Conversation

Post 481

a girl called Ben

Morning all,

Zeppo is cuter than any creature has a right to be!

I am still exhausted. Trouble is I wake up between 6.00 and 7.00 regardless of when I went to bed. I try to take naps during the day, (hey if it works for Zeppo, it should work for me, no?) But yesterday was a long one. It started with a business breakfast, and ended with a late night in a dire venue. Nothing dramatic, just dull.

Anyways - the menu for today is sleeping, filing and looking at carpet. I really know how to live, huh?


53Xth Conversation

Post 482

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

[smiley - ant]

53Xth Conversation

Post 483

Candi - now 42!

[smiley - weirdsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - star]

53Xth Conversation

Post 484


{[caer csd] Mostly at the end of the garden planting up the shady border}

53Xth Conversation

Post 485

Titania (gone for lunch)

Apologies in advance to everybody - but my mind is so full of the harvest festival next weekend that I'll probably keep mentioning it every now and then...

...I know there are people here interested in cooking - we're going to have a Cake Competition, and possibly a Home Made Wine Competition as well, if I can find an Italic willing to judge the latter (already have one signed up for the former!smiley - biggrin)

If you're interested, please let me know at A424478

53Xth Conversation

Post 486

a girl called Ben

Now here's a thing.

Y'all know the complete tail-spin was in last week because of seeing my ex, and his new g/f, and then the conversation I had with him. There has been other crap going on this week too, but I felt I had tried your patience too far.


I had a friend round today who does Feng Shui. Not your normal avereage read it out of a bookd Feng Shui. The full-on went to Hong Kong for 6 years Feng Shui.

She had done the original calculations for the flat, and advised me to sleep in one room, but that the other room had 'sick energy'.

What I had forgotten was that she is English and does understatement. So I was sleeping in the wrong room because the bed is better. But as you know I have not been sleeping well, and not been feeling rested.

I then told her that what had surprised me most about last week was not the events, but the strength of my reaction to the events. We looked at each other and blinked. And then I said: 'I'll sleep in the other room from now on'.

To be honest, it makes total sense to me. My emotional and physical collapse was completely out of proportion to what actually happened.

Interesting, huh?

a gullible fool called Ben

53Xth Conversation

Post 487

Titania (gone for lunch)

To me it seems that most Feng Shui theories can be explained logically as well (no, I *don't* want to sleep with my back to the door not seeing if someone would enter) - and there's no harm in trying it out, right?

53Xth Conversation

Post 488


Well, I have a friend who has bought several books about Feng Shui. She told me to move my vegetable garden from one part of my yard to another. I don't know why, but things grow better there. Same soil, same amount of sunshine, same amount of care - or neglect would be a better choice of words. It has a little more protection from the wind at one end. I don't know if I believe in it or not. I still have an open mind about it.

Thanks for the picture of Zeppo. smiley - dog He is definitely adorable. I have 3 cats and a dog, none of whom have nearly as nice a name as Zeppo.

I'm trying to design a Zen garden. smiley - zen I think a statue of Buddha would be appropriate. Do you know how hard it is to find a statue of Buddha in SW MO?

53Xth Conversation

Post 489

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

welcoming wave to Hypatia
believing strongly in feng shui

53Xth Conversation

Post 490

a girl called Ben

I have a nice statue of the Buddha in my living room, about 6" high. I wanted to get a full on silver-metal one 15" high, but I think that might be too much of a statement, and I can't find one anyway.

Statues of various Buddhas are getting easier to find in garden catalogues and such in the UK.

But I have only ever found one which said 'buy me, buy me you can't live without me'. Unfortunately I could not afford it, which was blissfully ironic, because I then had a massive craving for the Enlightened One whose contemplation might eventually help me attain Nirbana.

smiley - zen


53Xth Conversation

Post 491

jr52 (ting-a-)


53Xth Conversation

Post 492

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

When my folks were moving (well, my mom and stepfather), the house was on the market for something like 3 months, my mom had it Feng Shui'd, and it sold in 4 days. So maybe there is something to it. I know my plants like the porch better a certain way, and they stay in the same place, but things around them move.

Or maybe it's just wishful/positive thinking.

Hypatia, have you tried a trip to St. Lo? I know there's a fairly large Buddhist community there....

53Xth Conversation

Post 493

Bald Bloke


Sneaking through as feng shui is impossible in his flat without the use of a JCB.
I'm told the building faces the wrong way smiley - smiley

53Xth Conversation

Post 494

jr52 (ting-a-)


53Xth Conversation

Post 495

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive


53Xth Conversation

Post 496


{[caer csd] still mostly at the end of the garden, but it's beginning to look good.

Our house is not entirely Feng Shui, I'm sitting sideways on to two doors as I type facing a row of shelves. But the front door is at an angle to the road, and the path to it is also angled, which tends to encourage people to walk over the grass smiley - cross.

My Mother hated doors being left open and wouldn't sit with her back to a door, No1 son is the same which has caused great upheaval to bedrooms over the years.

The head of our bed is to the south, is that good or bad? Not that there is anything I can do about it anyway. On the whole the house has a lovely feel to it and apart from Life's usual ups and downs, we are very happy here.}

53Xth Conversation

Post 497

Candi - now 42!

Don't know about Feng Shui - here it seems there's only one way things'll fit in the rooms and that's where they have to go. Don't know about anything else - all the windows face South - isn't that a good thing?smiley - smiley
I Could definitely do with reducing clutter though- I'm approaching it in easy stages- so far I've done an hour of sorting out...........smiley - bigeyes

Oh well, at least it's started!

I'm trying out the Brunel skin for size - can anyone tell me:

a) how to get my "about me" bit on my personal space at the top instead of after the conversations etc?

and b) how to change the colours on my personal space (can't remember who mentioned it now)

53Xth Conversation

Post 498

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - geeksmiley - ant

In Brunel, if you view your *own* space, the information about you is at the bottom because TPTB assumed that you know who you are. But if someone else views your space, the information about you appears at the top. Clever, eh? smiley - magic So the only way to view your Space with the info at the top is to log out (or log in as someone else).

The tag you need to change the colours of your brunel space is the tag. <./>GuideML-Brunel</.>

smiley - smiley

53Xth Conversation

Post 499

Candi - now 42!

smiley - ta Amy!

smiley - biggrin

::dashes off to have a fiddle::

53Xth Conversation

Post 500

Garius Lupus

[smiley - fullmoon]

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