A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

53Xth Conversation

Post 441


*waves* Hi and welcome Hypatia! smiley - smiley

I like that you can fiddle around with the brunel-colours on your personal space! I'm thinking about pink, orange and mustard...smiley - artist

T. look what came through today! A1701 Now I have to finish the Temple of Artemis too...

Happy birthday, d'Elaphant! smiley - lovesmiley - giftsmiley - rose

53Xth Conversation

Post 442

Titania (gone for lunch)

Congratulations Bee - I think I need to go looking for whichever wonder I chose to write about - I've barely started on the Lighthouse of Pharos...smiley - erm

53Xth Conversation

Post 443

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Happy birthday d'Elaphant. smiley - gift

I'm going to redecorate my page after I get my artist badge. It appeared briefly on Monday but it was taken away again because the Artist Volunteer pages aren't finished yet smiley - sadface.

I'm feeling a bit better today smiley - smiley.

53Xth Conversation

Post 444

Titania (gone for lunch)

Are you talking about this one, Amy?


53Xth Conversation

Post 445

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

That's the one. Try replacing the word 'big' with 'small' to see something interesting.

53Xth Conversation

Post 446


{[caer csd] Happy birthday d'E smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - giftsmiley - disco! I hope Zeppo gets a large slice of smiley - cake too.

H has been so wrapped up in w*rk that we haven't decided what to do for this Bank Holiday weekend. But planting up the shady border can't wait much longer. Got to pin him down (possibly literally) to sorting out his immunisations before we set off leaf peeping.

Glad you are feeling better today, Amy, I hope the smiley - antmobile is too. I like the badges, both big and small. As for Brunel, I have been an admirer of his work for decades, but don't think too much of his skin smiley - winkeye}

53Xth Conversation

Post 447

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

*sings in an off-key sort of way*
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, d'E
Happy Birthday to you!!!

smiley - cake?

53Xth Conversation

Post 448

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - yikes I'd better go and check on the Antmobile. When they fixed the window yesterday they broke the locking mechanism on the passenger door smiley - cross.

53Xth Conversation

Post 449


I had a quick look at Brunel, but I didn't like it. Maybe I should give it another go, especially if you can fiddle the colours but it somewhat goes against my BOFfy luddite attitude smiley - smiley
Ahar! I remembers when this were aaalllll goo. smiley - silly

53Xth Conversation

Post 450


I dunno, I quite like Brunel so far *ducks*

Happy Birthday d'E!

53Xth Conversation

Post 451

a girl called Ben

Many happy reruns d'E

I like Brunel. It is clean, it is easier to navigate, it pulls the different elements out of the database and puts them together in a much more usable way.

Anyway, it was a late night, an arly morning, and I am very tired.


53Xth Conversation

Post 452

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

smiley - blush But it's not my birthday!

It is however Zeppo's birthday.

Happy Birthday, Zeppo
smiley - porkpiesmiley - dog

53Xth Conversation

Post 453

Titania (gone for lunch)

Awwww... sorry Zeppo - happy birthday!smiley - hug

My mistake I'm afraid - I couldn't tell the difference between d'E and Zeppo on the h2g2 August birthdays page... ooops, I mean, eh... you sharing the same researcher ID and all...smiley - blush

53Xth Conversation

Post 454

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Oh it's Zeppo's birthday!

53Xth Conversation

Post 455

Witty Moniker

Happy Birthday, Zeppo smiley - dog! smiley - gift

53Xth Conversation

Post 456

Candi - now 42!

Hi Hypatia! Good to meet you smiley - smiley

Happy birthday Zeppo - have a smiley - porkpie - or would you prefer a smiley - tennisball?
smiley - winkeye

I'm not at all keen on the Brunel skin - no pictures!! smiley - sadface Plus I hate that shade of green smiley - yuk....might have a fiddle with changing the colours on my personal space though, just out of curiousity....didn't realise you could do this.

53Xth Conversation

Post 457


{[caer csd], Happy Birthday Zeppo! No problem, we can have the smiley - bubbly, Zeppo can definitely have a slice of smiley - cake and the smiley - gift is a smiley - towel, which will be just as useful for him as it would be for you, d'E. And we can all dance in the smiley - disco}

53Xth Conversation

Post 458

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - diva

53Xth Conversation

Post 459


Happy B-day, Zeppo! smiley - biggrin
smiley - donut

53Xth Conversation

Post 460


Happy b-day zeppo.


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