A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

53Xth Conversation

Post 321


It's one thing to have a messy room--that's okay--it's another to trash the entire house and leave a trail of junk in every room. When I did that as a child (and believe me, I wasn't always a neat freak) the toy would get tossed. I learned my lesson.

53Xth Conversation

Post 322

Witty Moniker

MR, whatever you do, don't let her see you go nuts. That's the payoff for her pushing your buttons. When you feel the explosion coming on, make sure you do whatever is necessary to blow off the smiley - steam without her knowing it.

After you calm down you can go back and matter of factly dispense the consequences.

Ah, hindsight is indeed 20/20.

53Xth Conversation

Post 323


{[caer csd] MR, it sounds to me as if you are coming dangerously close to being a good mother! It will get better, honest smiley - hug

Off to bed to read a newly discovered medieval murder mystery writer (for me anyway), Alice Clare}

53Xth Conversation

Post 324

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

playing with her toys
new Epson 2200 (aka 2100 in England)

53Xth Conversation

Post 325

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Oooooh, is that the one with the archival ink that lasts 100 years? (how do they know that?)
smiley - dog

53Xth Conversation

Post 326

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Good point d'Elaphant. smiley - erm

53Xth Conversation

Post 327

a girl called Ben


Off to bed. Good night, dear people, good night.


53Xth Conversation

Post 328



53Xth Conversation

Post 329

Bald Bloke


Our team lost the pub quiz by 1/2 a point smiley - sadface

but for the team that one it's their first time of winning so smiley - smiley for them.

as one who doesn't have little people, anything i say will probably be completly wrong.


Mum or Dad wanting you to tidy your room is an excuse to rebel, but if your friends are coming round you'll want to tidy it.
So with luck when she has some new friends at school it will sort itself out.

Says he with a flat full of Cr*p

53Xth Conversation

Post 330

jr52 (ting-a-)

B, re: amount of pain in the world-personal opinion:way too much

My usual response to the query "How are you?" is "marvelous". It gives most people pause and a smile and occasionally provokes a request for an explanation. "I prefer not to lie, so for the time it takes me to think it and say it, I am." Maybe doesn't last, but it's better than nothing.

53Xth Conversation

Post 331



53Xth Conversation

Post 332


Well, I'm with Caer on the relief at knowing that most sane people do not keep up with ex's...

53Xth Conversation

Post 333

Montana Redhead (now with letters)


53Xth Conversation

Post 334

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - orangebutterfly]

53Xth Conversation

Post 335



Bumblebee has been away from h2g2 due to a severe attack of the tummybug.
Best regards,
Bumblebee's mother.

53Xth Conversation

Post 336

Titania (gone for lunch)

*examines note closely*

Now, doesn't that look suspiciously like Bee's handwriting?smiley - winkeye

53Xth Conversation

Post 337


{[caer csd] I do hope poor Bee smiley - hug didn't get the bug off me, it was a rather nasty one.

The accountant has sent me more stuff to do smiley - sadface}

53Xth Conversation

Post 338

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

See! I told you. The bugs have found a way to get down the wires. It'll be the 'flu season soon smiley - yikes.

(Mind you, just an smiley - ant smiley would be nice - I think we're all being punished for my enthusiasm last week smiley - sadface.)

53Xth Conversation

Post 339

a girl called Ben


I had never really challenged the idea that maintaining a friendship was anything but a good thing. It sprang out of denial of course.

Have any of you come across 'Angel' cards? They are little cards with a single word, usually an abstract noun, on them. You pick one anytime you want a wake-up call from the Universe. I kept on getting 'Truth' recently. I even tipped them out of the container in order to muddle them up, and 'Truth' still flipped itself over and stared up at me.

The one I got yesterday was 'Birth'. (I suspect the 'Re-' is written in invisible ink).

Y'all have given me a lot to think about.

Anyway, papers to file, stuff to buy, rooms to tidy! smiley - winkeye

Take care, my dears.


53Xth Conversation

Post 340


[Munchkin] Gets on fine with his ex's, but in a "haven't sen them for years, if met in the street would happily chat" sort of way, so hopefully I'm not too wrong smiley - winkeye
Room tidying - I remember my dad went on for ages about how if we didn't tidy up something would get broken. Then he came in and in a very exaerated way stood on something and broke it. That got me tidying, but now I just pile it into cupboards higgeldy piggeldy and leave it for years. smiley - smiley
And finally, there is a new skin? How up to date am I not?

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