A Conversation for The Hitchhikers Hotel

The Reception

Post 181

Trin Tragula

Non-payers? Defaulters? Why didn't the alarms go off?

The Reception

Post 182


*cheers up*

*joins T in swanning around like Lord Muck*

Hey, that's fun

*goes back to reception determined to do better*

The Reception

Post 183


*Waits till nobody's looking and swans around a bit. Giggles. puts batteries back in defaulters alarm and heads off to negotiate with dragon in the piano players tent hole.*

The Reception

Post 184


*watches for customers with an eagle eye, decides the eagle might need it's eye and gives it back*

The Reception

Post 185

Sponge Rob Squarepants

*saunters into reception with entourage in tow*

*smiley - whistleing FU Right Back by Frankee*

*pulls out a large cigar and one of the imps runs forward and lights it*

The Reception

Post 186


Good afternoon sir smiley - biggrin Can I help you this afternoon?

The Reception

Post 187

Sponge Rob Squarepants

*looking at the amienities board*

*turns round to see Ena*

Ah yes young Lady I am looking for something to do..
What would you recommend..?

The Reception

Post 188


Well you can chat to me, there is the bar through there


Or you can visit the pool...

The Reception

Post 189

Sponge Rob Squarepants

Well you seem a very attractive and well spoken young lady do you mind if I chat to you for a while... smiley - biggrin

You don't seem to be too busy...

The Reception

Post 190


smiley - blush Of course I will talk to you, sir. Are you enjoying your stay so far?

The Reception

Post 191

Sponge Rob Squarepants

I am enjoying it very much...
Although not many people have visited me in my Non-Stop party room on the top floor...

Maybe I should advertise more.... smiley - biggrin

The Reception

Post 192


I will visit on my time off smiley - blush

The Reception

Post 193

Sponge Rob Squarepants

An attractive young lady such as yourself is welcome in my room anytime..... smiley - winkeye

The Reception

Post 194

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Attention, everybody, please! The presence of all HHH staff is requested in a meeting at the HAZAAA's office to take place whenever you can get there. This is in order to discuss wages, job descriptions and contracts for the HHH database. Thank you.

The Reception

Post 195


*smiles at lucifer and his imps*

I'm afraid I must attend a meeting but I would love to talk to you later

The Reception

Post 196

Sponge Rob Squarepants

I will be waiting..... smiley - biggrin

The Reception

Post 197


smiley - winkeye Bye then...


The Reception

Post 198


Excuse me Mr L but that weak imp, that sells ladies favours, has a bad foot.
Yes, that one, the wimp, imp, pimp with a limp.

The Reception

Post 199

Sponge Rob Squarepants

Ahh you mean Gimp...

He is the only wimp, imp, pimp with a limp that I have on my books...
Is there anything the matter with him...

I do hope not.....
He is one of my favourites... smiley - biggrin

The Reception

Post 200


I was just wondering if I could rub him on my vest.

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