h2g2 Post 15.04.04

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Posted: 15th April 2004


The Post that should never have been.

I awoke bright and early on Wednesday morning in readiness to continue with my task of editing and sorting this fine newspaper for you. Jumping on my computer - not a good thing to do when you eat as many doughnuts as me - I revved up the processor, rolled the ball of my mouse, clicked a few links and lo the internet was open to me... Zzzzapppp, oh dear thrown off line... No worries, proceed once more undaunted, ah, there we go. Clicking the link to take me to the Post Office page, hmmm, very slow, hmmm, very slow indeed, in fact non-existent... h2g2 it seems was taking a break from reality. Fine thinks I, I shall nip out to my local fish merchant and collect a fishy or two for my new tank 'The Cube', it won't take long and I can do my Post work when I come back.

Into car, drive, enter fish merchant, buy fish, come home, traffic jam caused by road accident, wait in queue, and wait, and wait, and wait. Accident not serious but vehicles need sorting, so I arrived home later than planned only to find an emergency phone call from family member with a problem. Sorting out problem takes time, so later than planned online, Shazz the perfect boss understands my excuses and still doesn't try to sack me. Pleasant evening ensues working on the Post only for ISP to go down twenty or so minutes to 12 midnight... doh!!!!

ISP returns after much swearing, cajoling, praying and pleading, Shazz still in understanding mood has got to be put forth as 'Boss of the Year', and so say all of us!!!!

So the Post that should never have been has arrived for you to devour, exclaim cheerfully and ponder thoughtfully over. What a lucky group of readers you are... and, whatever else you do, please read the article Clear Sign and drop along to sign the petition to save the albatross

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Greebo T. Cat


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