The Post 1U 04.03.04 - 06.05.04
Created | Updated May 4, 2005
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of the excellent articles featured.
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We rush headlong into March with two dazzling events - Awix goes to the Oscars and DD comperes the 4th Annual h2g2 Academy Awards ceremony. Not to be outdone, the Scottish and Australian researchers report on their recent meets and sprout climbs Kilimanjaro. Boots drops by with an update on her college progress but quizzical just goes nuts. Munchkin is soft and orangy and Hypatia frugal. CAC waxes poetical and (tonsil revenge) has appliance trouble. Try not to get depressed with 45 words - perhaps travel back in history with Terry Jones and HPB in SSS. Food, marketing, books, cartoons, stories and sport wrap up another great edition.
This week is devoted to Procrastination - perhaps Luthiena should have done just that instead of trying to cross the road. Smudger remembers his missing years and Pinniped writes in the style of boots. Amy P is definitely in need of sleep and quizzical more time. A couple of regulars are missed as they succumb to illness but it is still a mighty fine issue.
Demon Drawer waxes lyrical about taxes while Greebo remembers her mum on Mother's Day. Quizzical looks forward to Easter with gift suggestions but Awix mourns the end of Godzilla. The Bookworm club review a very English book and Hypatia dreams of buying seeds. Sprout reaches Stonetown on his African adventure, Pinniped goes back in time to meet his ancestors and Smudger takes a fall. The Boozy Oaf turns 30, tonsil despairs 61 times and CAC-C pay tribute to researcher 38090. Cartoons, sport, quizzes and regulars complete the picture.
We yawn as an hour is lost from Sunday, take a wry look at Meteorology and quizzical thinks about work. Blues Shark rocks to Sparks and boots drops by with an update on her life. AD admires Conan and 45 words tackles Jules Verne. Lucky Star tries a spot of stage management, Awix touches the void and Hypatia gets fruity. A full complement of regulars round off this issue.
The Post plays an April Fool and quite a few readers and contributors get caught! We wave a sad farewell to Jimmy from Underneath the Surface as Wotchit leaves to concentrate on exams. Awix finds trouble in store
and quizzical goes bovine. 45 words pays tribute to Alistair Cooke and Blues Shark catches up with Kraftwerk. Pinniped poses awkward questions
and Smudger takes a welding test. A book review, sport, cartoons, quizzes, CAC-C and Escape Pod Dreams, Marketing with Jimi X plus some wonderful poems and haiku are just some of the other goodies to be found when you track the correct front page down!
The Easter Edition. Dance with Lucky Star, sport along with several then take in a film with Awix and some TV with HPB. Share a book with the Bookworms, meet Feuille when she is interviewed by Psycorp603 and visit the cartoons. Take a few trips; a car trip with Greebo, shopping with Pinniped, continue exploring Africa with sprout, brave the wilds of Transylvania with essjaybee and discover the pitfalls of Austin with Gosho. Then sit an exam with Smudger, catch up with Errors of Comedy and discover what happened to the crew of the RAF B24-Liberator EW277. Finally pause to think with the poems, haiku and Greebo's brainteasers.
There! Plenty to keep you occupied!
The Post joins the battle to save the Albatross with an excellent feature assembled by Traveller in Time. Sprout proposes on his African trip and is accepted. Pinniped dreams, Smudger sub-contracts and CAC-C rants. Hypatia presents the definitive seed guide and AD checks out the second Conan DVD. Roying tackles Rubbers for Rubber Eraser Day and Dr Anthea solves a jigsaw - both to be found in the poetry section alongside a two excellent haiku. Awix name-drops, several goes it alone with the sport and The Post Wordplay competition hots up with a tie at the top. Quizzes, cartoons, a book review and jokes also feature.
We bid farewell to Egon in his role as sports writer as he moves on to a new column. With themes of 'Earth' and 'Astronomy' The Post certainly reaches for the stars in this issue although Hypatia gets down to grass roots with her guide to planting vegetables. Opinion Point returns after a short absence and tackles the Spanish withdrawal from Iraq. Master B pulses with pleasure with this week's recipe and war is declared in Errors of Comedy. The Bookworms review 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime' and Smudger braves a storm. Pinniped defines humans, Atlantic_Cable single people and the Transylvanian trip reaches its climax. More than enough to keep you busy for a day or two!
We celebrate the 5th birthday of h2g2 in style with a double does of Platypus Dancing, a special card and the return of the Wordsearch. Loup wears water round his neck, Atlantic_Cable debates whether to cheat or not in computer games and Pinniped takes a wry look at Europe. Meanwhile Smudger takes some leave, the Transylvanian trip draws to a close, Egon starts his new series for insomniacs and Master B and Several introduce their new-look sports page. Hypatia considers wildlife and sprout finds some in Africa. There are 2 haiku and 4 poems, a Crocus in Cat-egories, Cosmetic Surgery in Inanimate and plenty more to while away the time.
We welcome The Jon_m aboard with his series on the Manchester music scene. AD finds Equilibrium and Awix Eternal Sunshine. Hypatia continues her wildlife in the garden theme and Smudger relates the sad story of a tree. With elections in the UK looming who better than Pinnbiped and friends to discuss the trouble with democracy? The winner of the Post Wordplay is announced, Lucky Star puts two and two together and rejoice in the return of Montague Trout. Many more regulars wrap up this bumper crop of goodies.