The h2g2 Post Recipe

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This week Master B tackles pork and cabbage.

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Odo's Favourite Pork and Cabbage

Because the cabbage is quite bulky, I've never found the need to serve any carbohydrates with this dish. A couple of slices of bread to mop up the juices would be quite sufficient.

I had to fiddle around with several different recipes until I got a combination that tickled the tastebuds just right...

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 8oz - 225g - pork fillet
  • 1 punnet redcurrants
  • 6oz - 175g - granulated sugar (or less, to taste)
  • 4 spring onions
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • 1 savoy cabbage, washed and torn into small pieces, about an inch square)
  • 1/2 spanish white onion (or one small one)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Grated nutmeg
  • 3oz - 75g - butter (or more, if you're not slimming)
  • Olive oil for cooking

What You Do!

  1. Put the sugar into a shallow pan and just cover with water. Simmer over a medium heat for 15 minutes or so until you have a reduced sugar syrup. Add the whole redcurrants and the finely chopped spring onions. Simmer over a very low heat for another 15 minutes or so, until the sauce is reduced. About halfway through, add a generous splash of balsamic vinegar.
  2. Slice the pork into medaillons about >½" - 12.5mm - thick, and fry them in a dry or very nearly dry frying pan - about 4 minutes on each side. Pour the sauce over the pork and leave to simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Stir-fry the cabbage and finely chopped white onion in a little olive oil in a saucepan or wok for 1 minute until it has softened. Add the butter, minced garlic and nutmeg, and stir for another 3-4 minutes until the cabbage has softened.
  4. Serve the cabbage in a dish separately from the pork so as not to mix the sauces.

Next Week: 'Roger Milla' 3-Lentil and Chorizo Stew

The Recipe


Master B

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