The CAC Continuum
Created | Updated Apr 14, 2004
Angry Anyone?
Fiction Weird Science First/Personals Kitchen SyncronicitiesSatire
This week
CAC-C features angry rants at issues that are irritating, at least they are to,
Martha Rigby, cumulonimbus, Tom Marvolo Riddle and The Ghost of Polidari.
They all deal with various issues that remind us all of sand in our britches. Incredibly annoying, in other words.
So, if you've had a bad day, are a member of P.U.D.D.I.N.G., or are just grumpy most of the time, then this is for you!
The Wonderful World Of Computing
Martha Rigby
Shares an all too common problem with an all too common application.
The error, the ERROR, oh please god, not THE ERROR!
Man vs. Tech Support
'God, Schmod! I Want My Monkey-Man!'
cumulonimbus, like that lovable underachiever, has his doubts about god.
Explore with him the underpinnings of this theory in:
An Essay Disputing The Intelligent Design Theory
Tom Marvolo Riddle talks about the one thing that plagues students everywhere,
and which complaint irritates the teachers just as badly.
Read along and try to find out:
Why Must Some Teachers Assign Such Boring Homework?
You're Fired!
The Ghost Of Polidari has faced the worst thing to happen to a career,
the possibility of being made... Redundant1 Oh, the horror!
Well, if you or someone you know is in this position
then you might want to read
Redundancy: How To Cope When You Get Involved
This week's issue put together with the blessings of
If you too would like to have us criticise and belittle
your creative efforts please click on the submissions button there
and post a link (the A-number) to your entry.
These entries were found (and probably lifted) by...
Sneaky, The First Sproket
The CAC Continuum Archive
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