A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 61


If it's not too late, I'd like to recommend two classics:

1) Metropolis-A silent sci-fi film that needs no introduction for a hard-core cinephile. It's got a futuristic world of haves and have-nots, robots, social commentary,....and you can get two versions that I know of, one with constant machine noises in the background, and one with rock music playing beneath the scenes! Either way, it's a really interesting watch, and I believe that it's been released on both VHS and DVD 'round the globe (though I could be grossly mistaken).

2) Blake Edwards' "The Great Race"-This is - by far - my favorite movie of all time (though I've found that a lot of people hate it for some reason). This comedy mixes classic silent-film traditions and stereotypes (the hero only wears white while the villain only wears black, etc.), it pays tribute to many, many classic films (Laurence Of Arabia, The Prisoner Of Zenda, etc.), and it's directed/written by Blake Edwards! What more could you want?smiley - biggrin

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 62


Oh, and for the record: if I'm ever first to the new forum, I'll ignore the list entirely.smiley - winkeye

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 63


Is that how we're doing this? Whoever creates the new film forum first picks the movie?

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 64


I thought it was whoever posts to the forum I made - bearing in mind I won't ever pick the movie..

I don't want to be bossy and evil of course... hope I'm not doing, but I just don't want to get involved in endless discussion about what film we'll watch next, rather than actually discussing films.

D'y get my point..

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 65

Titania (gone for lunch)

Pay attention, double-o - I mean FG... it says so in the entry that this thread belongs to:

After a month we'll move to a new thred, and the first person to that thread chooses another film

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 66

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh - and besides - others seem to have understood it perfectly - see <./>F1715952?thread=365102&skip=6&show=1</.>

*smiley - nahnah at FG and then smiley - run*

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 67


*throws a smiley - tomato at Ti*

Why bother paying attention when I know you're just going to come along and explain it to me again? smiley - tongueout

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 68


I say that we should pick a horrible movie and discuss just why it failed.

Like Town And Country....smiley - winkeye

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 69


I don't mean to interrupt the chaos, but I'll join.

smiley - blacksheep

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 70


Hello Jodan, just jump in smiley - smiley.

Town and Country? Never heard of it, did it make it to this side of the pond, I wonder?

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 71


smiley - wow Nice to see you here Jodan..

Remember if it's a film that most of us can't get hold of then we might need to have a change of film...

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 72


Town and Country

Oh and welcom Jodan.


I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 73


We have a smiley - dog grooming salon called Town and Country and a barber shop called Towne and Country.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 74


Not to slosh the water out of the collective tub, but I'm jumping in too. smiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

Back on topic: One of the reasons I love Dr. Zhivago so much is it's tremendous musical score. Lara's Theme is perhaps one of the most well-known pieces of music ever recorded, and rightly so if you ask me.

- JD

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 75


Hi nice of you to drop in..

Our on topic thread is currently over here - I'm glad you like Dr Zhivago no one's brought up the music yet...


I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 76


Oh lord. Town and Country. No, no, no, no, no, no.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 77


BTW, welcome JD and Jodan! I hope you will stick around for February's film...whatever it ends up being...

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 78


I better make it official then, I'm joining up smiley - ok

Dr.Z - fantastic film smiley - biggrin

Music by Jean Michel Jarre's dad smiley - cool

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 79


Some of the more astute of you may have noticed that tomorrow is the first of Feburary. May I remind you that I shall be posting a new thread to the film club.

The first person to post to said thread, other than me, will get to choose the next film.

I shall be starting the thread when I get back from the airfield tomorrow, so about midday GMT if it's raining, later if it's not. Oh unless A's on the computer. Which he may be. Though he should be reading Electra in the oringal greek instead. But then I should be reading about radiothearpy treatment for bladder cancer, or new treatments for metastsis of colon cancer in the liver.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 80


Darn. I was hoping that this was the new thread announcement and that I would've been first.

And I'll miss it tomorrow, for sure.smiley - winkeye

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