A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

Grosse Point Blank

Post 1


As a newbie, might I suggest as August's film "Grosse Point Blank", directed by George Armitage and starring the Cusacks and the Ackroyd? Since it operates on at least three levels, we could have at least three discussions; the light, summery discussion involving the pleasing "second time around" romance of Driver and Cusack; the middleweight discussion of the disturbing and yet strangely pleasing way Cusack's hitman deals with and dispenses with those who thwart him - witness the hysterical scenes involving Alan Arkin's terrified psychiatrist; and the heavy, thundery discussion where we follow the film's probing of the emptiness of someone's life when they haves so resoltely cut themselves off from others.
YEs. I do rather like this film.

Grosse Point Blank

Post 2


An injection of new blood smiley - smiley, hello speff.

I haven't seen Gross Point Blank for awhile, it's time to dust off the dvd, so it gets my vote smiley - ok

Grosse Point Blank

Post 3

Witty Moniker

It's been on my list of films to see, but I never got around to it. Now I will! smiley - smiley

Grosse Point Blank

Post 4


I'll try to catch this movie. I'm all warmed up after getting July off.

Though with school starting up again this month, who's to say how much time I can spend watching movies?

Grosse Point Blank

Post 5


I saw that a while back smiley - ok

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