A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

April 2004

Post 1


I know there's not much left of it smiley - blush and I've been an incompetent fool smiley - blush

But there's still plenty of time to watch this month's movie, which is...

April 2004

Post 2


The Great Race!

April 2004

Post 3


With Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood?

April 2004

Post 4


*Blinks and looks around*

Wha-....I actually got to a forum before other people! Oh, frabjuous day, calloo callay!

Peter Sellers' The Great Race. I know they've released it on DVD, but I'm just realizing that it might not be well-known enough to be easily accessible.

What do you think? If there's no way that this is a reasonable selection, I've got others. Though none are nearly as funny as "The Great Race."

April 2004

Post 5


Ah, FG's heard of The Great Race. I feel more confident.smiley - biggrin

April 2004

Post 6


I don't remember Peter Sellers being a film called The Great Race, I wonder if it had a different title in the UK?

April 2004

Post 7

Witty Moniker

IMDB says that there was one alternate version produced in 1996 for France. They cut the team of New Yorkers from the film. smiley - weird


April 2004

Post 8


Yeah, I don't know if it'll be available in some places, which is why I'd be willing to change movies if everyone else thinks that this is too obscure. I just panicked in a moment of realization that I was first to the forum and put this title down (most likely because it's my favorite movie of all time).

Of people here, who thinks that this film would be too hard to find?

April 2004

Post 9

Witty Moniker

Amazon.com has it available for purchase.

Blockbuster US has it for rental.

Neither Blockbuster Canada nor UK has it at all.

April 2004

Post 10


I don't think I'll be able to get hold of it, but that's because I'll be too busy revising to actually watch it. I can find it on amazon.co.uk, but not on any rental sites.

(PS I won't be able to take part in May's either as I'll be in the Outer Hebridies, and I'd imagine it's much harder to get hold of obscure films up there than it is down here)

April 2004

Post 11


I've added The Great Race to my Netflix rental queue; I should be able to watch it by the end of the month.

I may have seen this movie as a child -- does it have a huge pie fight in it? In which one of the characters keeps yelling "Brandy! Throw more brandy"? Apologies if I've gotten my movies mixed up!

smiley - popcorn JEllen

April 2004

Post 12


Yes, you're thinking of the right movie. If you ask me, this is the only movie to ever do a pie fight well. Even counting "Blazing Saddle" by Mel Brooks.

April 2004

Post 13


Is it the one were they are racing to California and ends at a clump of palm trees?

If so it was on tv a while back, but I don't recall seeing it in our local dvd/video shops.

April 2004

Post 14


No, this one is a race by car from New York to Paris. It's on TCM from time to time, generally late at night during Peter Sellers marathons, usually immediately before or immediately after a Pink Panther movie.

April 2004

Post 15


There must be two Great Races out there then, because the only one I know does *not* have Peter Sellers in it. smiley - erm

April 2004

Post 16


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say Peter Sellers. I meant to say Blake Edwards. It's a mistake that I've been making for years.

April 2004

Post 17


I can only find a Pokémon Great Race at the library smiley - sadface

April 2004

Post 18


Caerywn, you're thinking of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (or is there 5 mads?)

April 2004

Post 19


(Hint: even with that extra Mad, a good movie for May! smiley - smiley)

April 2004

Post 20


That's the one Sporky smiley - ok

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