A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

April 2004

Post 21


So, has it been voted to be too obscure?

We could always change it to Plan 9 From Outer Space. There's gotta be some merit to watching the worst movie ever made.smiley - evilgrin

April 2004

Post 22


I don't think it's obscure so much as unattainable for many people.

April 2004

Post 23


i see worse movies than plan 9 each and every time i watch the sundance or cinemax channels.

April 2004

Post 24


Sporky, I'd debate my reasons for labelling "Plan 9 From Outer Space" as the worst film ever, but I spend too much time doing so everytime I go to a certain MST3K message board. I'll just say that Plan 9 is worse than Manos: Hands Of Fate, but Manos is at least a thousand times more painful to watch (and not because its emotional or artistic. It's just bad). This is one of those things that people just label differently.

How about My Dinner With Andre? More attainable?

April 2004

Post 25


::giggles at the memory of the My Dinner With Andre action figures from "Waiting for Guffman"::

April 2004

Post 26


Oh, that was so hilarious. In fact, that's just a hilarious movie.

April 2004

Post 27


I wouldn't ever label a movie 'worst ever made' as one man's Casablanca is another man's Chairman of the Board.

April 2004

Post 28


You were here first, Affy. It's your call.

April 2004

Post 29


Okay, then. Next movie will be My Dinner with Andre. It's been a while since I've seen it, and the philosphy isn't bad. Call it boring if you will, but I'd say that it's a movie that warrants a good watching.

And the camera work is great. All those mirrors and angles and it never feels like you're not in a restaurant.

April 2004

Post 30


Sorry I couldn't get online sooner, my modem's still broken. But I *was* able to watch My Dinner With Andre.

In general, I think this is a good movie, but I don't think that it's one that I'll be rushing to again anytime in the near future. The camerawork is excellent, but when you come down to this it's basically just an interesting conversation between two people. That, plus I don't agree with many of their theories and points for various reasons.

Like all the talk about creating safehavens for knowledge apart from the rest of the world, or when Andre talked about the person who stopped listening to television, radio, newspapers, or anything else. While it's possible that such methods could work, for a propper implementation to ever be brought forth would require a fatalistic "all hope is lost" viewpoint that just doesn't seem logical whenever I look at it.

I will say, however, that I'm glad that the writers did present two opposing points of view for many of their arguments. Andre refusing to even consider an electric blanket and Wally saying that he wouldn't live without it, for instance, and their varying reasons. If nothing else, the writers were trying to present a balanced perspective of ideas. I don't think that they always succeeded, but their minds were clearly open and receptive.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Nice movie, watch it a few times in your life, don't expect to be blown away by the plot or special effects.

April 2004

Post 31


That's quite the ringing endorsement. smiley - winkeye

April 2004

Post 32


And I emphatically meant every word.smiley - winkeye

No, wait. I use smiley - winkeye way too much. Time for some old standards.

smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

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