A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 41


A MST3K collection! smiley - wow

I second the nomination of The Manchurian Candidate as our next movie.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 42


I like the idea of the Manchurian Candidate, and I would also like to offer the Maltese (sp?) Falcon, as it's been a looooooooong time since I've seen it.


I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 43


Oooo! Now I'm torn. Who can resist Sydney Greenstreet?

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 44


I thought the first to to the new forum selected the next movie. Did we decide not to do that, and I missed it?

*Starts looking through the backlog*

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 45


Indeed they do, the first to the new forum, started on the first of each month does suggest the next movie. However there's nothing to stop us discussing what sort of movies we'd like them to suggest should they be short of ideas...

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 46


Well, that means I'll never get to select another movie since I'm never first to anything. But 'tis ok.

*clears throat* Doctor Zhivago was my idea. *pats own back*

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 47


I think we should do a combination sort of movie selection, where we would all suggest a list of movies and then the first person to the next forum could pick from that list. I mean, there will be a whole month for a list to get going and the page can be updated with a "Possible Picks" section.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 48


Sounds like a good plan to me. I'll start us off.

I recommend:

one classic - Casablanca
one comedy - The Producers (Gene Wilder & Zero Mostel) Why on earth are they wanting to remake this movie? The remake doesn't have a chance of being as good as the original.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 49

Witty Moniker

They want to remake The Producers because the Broadway version was/is wildly successful, i.e. made a ton of money.

If they can cast Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane in a film remake, you will hear the "ka-ching" around the world.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 50


That's a good idea, I was thinking of a few modern ones.. Secretary, that should provide plenty to discuss, but it's not yet been released for rental.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 51


Secretary was released in the U.S. last summer on DVD and VHS. I'm not sure about the UK or parts eastward....I know neither MR nor I like the ending.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 52


It was released her recently New Street station is plastered with the posters, which is a little inapropriate IMHO.

I was just intrested to see how people not from our cultural niche (which lets face it is fairly liberal on all things odd) would react to it.

It was funny seeing in at a cinema, A and I were the only two people who actually went in, until the lights went down when lots more people crept in hopeing that they wouldn't be noticed.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 53


I thought it was a funny, entirely plausible and somewhat creepy (the creeps came from the loser boyfriend, Peter) movie until all the characters showed up during her hunger strike (whoops! spoiler). Then it turned totally unreal. It would have been great if the moviegoer simply saw the happy couple settling down together for a life of masochistic bliss.

Wait...this isn't Doctor Zhivago...damn.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 54


Well I haven't seen it yet, so far I have tracked down a copy in central libray, I may ring around some video shops to see if they have them in next week.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 55


Amelie would be one film I'd suggest.

One of the classic Ealing comedies would be another, perhaps something with a young Peter Sellers like I'm All Right Jack.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 56


I'd also like to suggest La Cite des Enfants Purdue.

Perhaps we could all choose 2 movies in this forum and then not choose any more until we've gone through them? Plus, of course, whoever else joins could also pick 2.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 57


So are their any more suggestions?

I'm still for saying that the first to forum suggests one, and unless everyone immediatly makes major objections, such as the film not being released worldwide, or just being widely regaurded as rubbish..

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 58


So the nominees are...

La Cite des Enfants Purdue
I'm All Right Jack
The Manchurian Candidate
The Maltese Falcon
The Producers

I like almost all of the contenders! smiley - smiley

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 59


Ooooh in the context of Dr Zhivago can I add "Dr Strangelove - or how I learnt to stop worrying and love the bomb" to the list please..

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 60


For the future I would like to add Donnie Darko and Things to do in Denver When You are Dead.


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