A Conversation for H2G2 Film Club

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 21


While I think reading the smiley - book is essential to an adaptation, in this case Pasternak's work might be a bit too long for those dealing with busy work and school schedules.

Perhaps we can do that for our next movie...

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 22


The book and the movie are two completely different beasties and I agree that we shouldn't go through the grief for that.

So Dr. Z it is. There's one night this month I'll never get back smiley - winkeye

I swear, if I get fttf on one of these we'll all be watching Starship Troopers or some Andy Warhol flick.


I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 23

marvthegrate LtG KEA

You say that like it is a bad idea Sporky.

FTR I *like* Starship Troopers and think that it is a good flick that bears the same title as a good book that the flick is not actually based on.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 24


I liked Starship Troopers too, even the cgi cartoon wasn't bad.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 25


I too like Starship Troopers, but it was pure fluff and I don't think it has any redeeming merits.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 26

Witty Moniker

I just checked my local Blockbuster Video online. They have the widescreen version dvd 2 disc set with extra added commentary. So that will be one day for the movie and another for all the additional goodies. I hope it is a 5-day rental. smiley - winkeye

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 27


It's ok. I didn't expect anyone to think it was a good idea. I may have to break down and buy a dvd player. They're getting cheaper aren't they? Everyone tells me they're a lot better than vcrs. The Zhivago set sounds interesting.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 28

Witty Moniker

You can get a good progressive scan dvd player for about $70 now, Hypatia. Both our dvd and cd players recently kicked the bucket, so we replaced them with a single 5 disc carousel unit that will play dvd, cd, mp3 and photo discs for $135.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 29

Titania (gone for lunch)

So... *hem, hem, hem* ...shouldn't you be starting a new conversation titled 'Dr Zhivago' now, Z?smiley - winkeye

Because it does seem as if we've agreed to pick that film to be our first one, doesn't it?

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 30

Titania (gone for lunch)

Correction - I guess it should be titled

'January 2004: Dr Zhivago'

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 31


Last summer my vcr at the library gave out and I bought a combination vcr/dvd player. It's nice. I think it was around $200. But my vcr at home is perfectly good. I hate to get rid of it, but I like the idea of not having to change the connections back and forth. Of course I could hook the dvd player up to F's tv. (We never watch the same thing. smiley - erm )

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 32


Indeed we should Titiana, in fact here is the new thread F1715952?thread=365489 ,


I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 33


If nothing else, Hypatia, you should get a DVD player for all the special goodies that come with the films. Even the classic Hollywood movies have all these wonderful extras--interviews with the director and actors, documentaries about the filming of the movie, original trailers and even (if it was a big gala event) old newsreels about the film's opening night! smiley - cool

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 34


It's amazing how much dvd players have come down in price and are well worth the expenditure, but I wouldn't yet buy a dvd rewriter/recordable. But No1 son's PC has one installed anyway.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 35

Demon Drawer

Got my DVD player for my birthday in September now have a full shelf of DVDs and expanding.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 36


I *have* a DVD player, but I still prefer the VHS for some reason.

Of course, DVD allows me to save storage space on my steadily growing MST3K collection.smiley - evilgrin

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 37


the quality on video is so horrible since i've become accustomed to dvd that i haven't popped a video in the vcr in about five years

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 38


We only only use our video for recording from the tv, I haven't bought a prerecorded one in years either. The ones we did watch, such as the orginal Star Wars, we have replaced with dvds.

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 39


I know this is extremely early on, but I'd like to make a suggestion for our next movie:

The Manchurian Candidate

I've never seen it, but it is one of those movies that everyone is supposed to have seen, and, frankly, I think it is right up my alley (and a few others').

I call the first meeting of the film club to Order! *bangs Hammer*

Post 40


I was wondering how we would go about selecting movies. Z, have you come up with a procedure yet?

I supose we could all suggest 2 or 3 that we would like to discuss at some point and then a list could be put together.

The Manchurian Candidate is a really wonderful movie.

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