A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

New members.

Post 181

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*rubs chin and nods* ah!

New members.

Post 182

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Thanks Irving, I been trying to get that out of Jinx for a while. now. smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 183

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Ack! The Archbishop must have followed us! smiley - bigeyes

New members.

Post 184


*from behind Irving*

Do you not know the mathter is grate? He ith all theeing, all knowing!

Thadly, he ith merthefull, otherwithe >I< might have athked you.


New members.

Post 185

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Here Zed, ax this mellon for me. I know that you need to keep your skills sharpsmiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 186

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Oh, I've got nothing against the Archbishop's grateness, it's just that now I feel like a spy! smiley - sadface


New members.

Post 187

marvthegrate LtG KEA

You can't be a spy if you did not know I was following. But if you need to keep your actions secret look behind you next time.

New members.

Post 188

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I personally mounted a rear view mirror to my sunglasses for just that reason... smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 189

Jo (Dead)

*returns to the church*

Or I could tell a more exciting and gorey story....
smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 190


What I need to see happen in this church is an official dance. So far I just see a bunch'o'people getting loaded up on sugar and not doing a darn thing!! When I am in sugar bliss of a sanctified brownie I dance. It kind'a looks like a chicken dance, but not in fact.

New members.

Post 191

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well every body, shal we have a dance?? Start the music... -Archbishop Marv

New members.

Post 192

Researcher Horay II

"One good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain...So, hit me wit music..."-Robert Nesta Marley.

New members.

Post 193

Mrs V

Tee hee, I like dancing!!

New members.

Post 194

Jo (Dead)

What sorta dance are we doing?
smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 195

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

How 'bout the Hampster Dance? smiley - smiley


New members.

Post 196

Jo (Dead)

Ahh..I've had enough of that wretched thing to last me a life time and probably many more..
smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 197

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Gw7en is treading on thin ice with the reference to the evil ones. But I might have to get Zed on her.

New members.

Post 198

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

No, no! Not that! I only meant that I always thought the little grey bouncy ones looked like they were hopped up on sugar! It seemed to make sense at the time! Arrrrrggggghhh! No! Not the hot chocolate chips! *Hey, this isn't so bad...I mean* Arrrgggh!

smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 199


I think you thould thee a doctor about your thycothomatic problemth. I haven't thtarted yet, tthe mathter hath not ordered it. Thadly.

Trutht me, you'll know when I have!

*revth up the bleththed petrol-driven mangle grinder and awaitth tthe word of the mathter*

New members.

Post 200

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Anybody know the beaver song? It's much more evil than that hampster dance smiley - smiley


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