A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

New members.

Post 301

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Anything that keeps you fromeating Brownies, is bad. Then Zed may have to come into the picture.

New members.

Post 302

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Forgive me,.........

I just can't call you Father! That's way too kinky for me!!smiley - winkeye
Do you have rules against flirting with the Archbishop?

Ok, let's try again.

Forgive me, Grate Marv, for it has been 3 weeks since my last brownie. I am in need of guidance.
I need chocolate! I need you dipped in chocolate!!

Oops! Sorry, wrong forum!smiley - winkeye

Please may I join your church?

Luna (QoH)

New members.

Post 303

marvthegrate LtG KEA

As I was loading this forum I could not help but think that my own Lady in Waiting was not a member of my church. Of course you may join my Dear!

New members.

Post 304

Jo (Dead)

smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 305


O Great Marv ....

I have spoken with you from afar. I agree with all things brownie. Would you please add me to the rolls of the True Brownie smiley - smiley


Great site smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 306

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Oh, yes! Courtesy, you must join! 'Keeper of the Shake' perhaps? After all, I can't imagine a chocolate shake without a brownie to the side! smiley - winkeye Welcome.

New members.

Post 307


Or, and keep you mind open smiley - smiley

A chocolate shake with crumbled brownie mixed in? What do you think?

smiley - smiley
Courtesy the keeper of all things shaky smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 308


Courtesy, perhaps you should name yourself "Celestial Executioner of the Strawberry Flavoring." Some fringe members of this church may indeed enjoy the strawberry mixed with the chocolate, but I would suggest that this kind of dilution would only lead to the downfall of the pure brownie.

New members.

Post 309


I would agree, the best shake would be one where the Brownie was actually floating above the shake, thus keeping the rightful order of the universe and also allowing all within the vicinty the chance to see the Brownie in all its Brownieness.

As for a name, I will leave it up to the esteemed members of the church.


New members.

Post 310

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Courtesy, Welcome. And I will have to meditate on wht you shall be called (yea I am posting form work again. -Archbishop Marv

New members.

Post 311


Yea tho I walk through the valley of the office, I will fear no manager smiley - smiley

Is there any other place to post from smiley - smiley

Courtesy the unnamed smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 312

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I can post from home, but that takes a lot of the fun out of it. I get paid to post from work smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 313


Oh I agree. And besides I can always tell them that I'm brushing up on my XML skills smiley - smiley Yeah that's the ticket, I'm learning something ... yeah smiley - smiley


New members.

Post 314

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hey Kids, we may want to mosey on over to this http://www.h2g2.com/forumframe.cgi?forum=25058&thread=35712 Forum as this one is too bloody long.

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