A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

New members.

Post 201

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*psst, Irving! Thanks for taking the heat off me, man! I owe you one!* smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 202

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

smiley - winkeye Anytime smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 203

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Ah HA! You thought I was gone! Go get her Zed, but remember she is one of my High Preistesses I don't have all that many, be gentle in your torture. (Sorry Gw7en but Zed needs some fun too!)

New members.

Post 204

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Eeeekkk! smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 205

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

but - I rather liked the dance! *starts to sulk, cause in dire need of a brownie*

New members.

Post 206

marvthegrate LtG KEA

hands Kat-eyes a Brownie. Keep the Faith.

New members.

Post 207

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Is there any hope for indulgences????? I have some of Monsy's brownies...Somewhere...Gimme a minute here...

*frantically tries to find her secret stash, then runs toward the alter where she hopes she can hide*

Maybe they won't see me over here....

New members.

Post 208

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

thank you, oh most revered Archbishop *bows deeply before starting to munchhhhhhhhhh*

*whispers* ~pst... Gwen...*crumblemunch* that was a mistake... now they'll think *nibble* you have some of monsys smiley - fishsmiley - fish stashed there and all rush after you...~ *rushes silently and stealthily after Gwen*

New members.

Post 209


Ah ha! I thought I heard *crumble*munching*?
I'm late what's left? Crumbs, good enough.

New members.

Post 210


I noticed you had no dishwasher listed. All those brownies must have a lot of dirty dishes. Could I have the honor of being your humble dishwasher?

New members.

Post 211


If she gets to be dish girl can I be the official brownie dance instructor? I think I have found my calling!!

New members.

Post 212

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Welcome my children. If a task presents itself please feel free to compleate it. -Archbishop Marv

New members.

Post 213

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*Gw7en sneaks around, slipping brownies into the hands of the new members, as well as Bishop Marv, while trying to avoid Zed's wrathful inquisitional actions...*

New members.

Post 214

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Nice try my dear, you can run from the Brownie Inquisition but Zedley is a good tracker. I fear he will get you yet. I asked him to be moderate in his ministrations as you *are* one of my highest ranking officers of the Church.

New members.

Post 215

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*gallops in on broomstick horse, weilding his feared whiffle bat in one hand and brownie tray-sheild in the other* My grate Archbishop! I fear that, as official Knight Protector of Brownies I cannot allow Zed to harm Gwe7n while she still has brownies on her person! I must defend her, or risk my honor!

~Irving in Shining Armor (or is it Armour?)

New members.

Post 216

Jo (Dead)

Incidentally, there are no brownies under the altar. So don't try to look for them. On pain of death or seperation from chocolate.
smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 217


O thank you!! Thank you all!!! I have never before known love like i have felt when consuming a warm brownie. When I dance it will be in the honour of the truly wonderful "item" we call the brownie! Now everyone join me in the official brownie dance!!!
One step to the right
A jump to the left
a wobble to the front
get you brownie and take a big bite!
The brownie dance the brownie dance
hey hey hey hey
the brownie dance the brownie dance

New members.

Post 218


Irving, my friend. Pleath to thtep athide, and let me to my work. I do not tthink tthe mather would like fighting in tthe church.

You are a gallant knight, tthir. But tthith ith church buthinethth, and you would be withe not to interfere. The brownieth will not be harmed in anyway, you need not worry.

And tthe mather hath commanded lenienthy.

Jinkth? Not to tthreaten the congregation, tthereth at good little altar perthon.


New members.

Post 219

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Thank you, my champion, but it is time that I take my punishment like a good little blasphemer. I throw myself upon your mercy, Zedley!

*puts down brownies - within reach; don't try to grab them! - then turns head aside so that she doesn't have to see the horror about to befall her - and to keep an eye on her brownies; back off there!*

New members.

Post 220

Jo (Dead)

Sometimes I find it very hard to follow what Zed is saying.
smiley - smiley

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