A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

New members.

Post 121

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Now don't be afraid Jinx. A little inquisitioning never hurt anybody.... Too much anyway.. Well Forget it. Here have a Brownie and the pain will be soothed. -Benevolent Archbishop Marv

New members.

Post 122

Jo (Dead)

*lifts up altar sheet slightly and peers out suspiciously*

Zed has gone now, but just in case...

*carefully dons metal plated everything*

You'd be amazed what at I've got hidden under that altar..!
smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 123

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I think that on that subject I'm going to operate on a don't ask, don't tell policy, Jinx. smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 124

Jo (Dead)

Suits me fine.
smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 125

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I haven't had a chance to pay, yet... can I hide under the altar, too?

New members.

Post 126

Jo (Dead)

Of course you can..
smiley - winkeye
The metal plated everything is infinitely useful in these circumstances.
smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 127



metal plated anytthing? I haf tthe inquithitorial mangle grinder, athh bleththed by Thuthan, Goddethth of Dethtruction!!!!!! *evil lathth*

fetchth me a thowel thomebody? tthank you *wipeth faceth*

But you are lucky!!! The Mathter ith Grate, and theemth tto want you thpared - thith time!!!!


New members.

Post 128

Jo (Dead)

You're a bit bloodthirsty aren't you?
smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 129

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Heel Zed!! You can inquisit later. Right now I need you to go *encourage* the chocolate producing entities that they want to give us a *donation*. -ArchBishop Marv

New members.

Post 130

Post Team

He sure sounds that way doesn't he!
shazz smiley - winkeye

New members.

Post 131


*thtareth at Jinkth in thurprithe*

I am an inquithitor! You ekthpect me to maththage ttheir feet?? Givth tthem niceth plump pillowth??

I go to do my Mathterth bidding!!!

*huncheth off into tthe thadowth tto ttorture cocoa growerth*


New members.

Post 132

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Ahhh... My loyal staff. BTW I am only bloodthirsty if you count the fact that my blood is mostly tequila anyway. smiley - smiley

New members.

Post 133

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Zed scares me. He puts the fear of Brownie into me. I guess that's what a good inquisitor should do... he also covers me with slobber, which I find slightly less spiritual and enlightening...

New members.

Post 134


*from a dithtant thadow*

I can hear you!

*revth up mangle grinder*

But I am loyal to tthe mathter.


New members.

Post 135

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*Shouting to Zed* I said you were a good inquisitor!

New members.

Post 136


*from >>much<< clother thadowth*

Thatth OK tthen, ithn't it?

*huncheth off to ttend bonthai cookie dough three*


New members.

Post 137

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Good to see that all worked out then. I do not like arguments in the ranks. Enough of that! We need a battle cry, something that will lead the hungry masses to the door of our church. What shall we use????

-Archbishop Marv

New members.

Post 138

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

How 'bout "Spork!" Or, even better, "Chocolate!"

New members.

Post 139

Jo (Dead)

I dunno, but I find "Get in here and get all this bloody chocolate off our hands!" may give rather the wrong impression don't you think?
Z-I could really use a foot massage. I've had a really bad day.
smiley - sadface

New members.

Post 140

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

If we're trying to attract new membership, mayhaps the best way is not with an actual battle cry. I've often found that the smell of chocolate brownies baking in the oven will attract all sorts of people very quickly!

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