M2M2 - Our Great Gays

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This is the list of names given so far in 'The Great Gay Game' as played by members of M2M2 (h2g2's Lesbigay community). If you want to join in the game follow the link:

Gay Me Up

The list includes examples of notable people (preferably not fictional but a few have gotten through), who are either gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite, transexual or otherwise iffy! However, if you think of someone who should be LGBT but isn't, you could also play our 'Wish you were queer' game - follow this link to add them to that list:

Gay Them Up

or use this link to see the list.

Wish you were queer



Mercedes De Acosta

Thomas Adès (composer)

Christina Aguilera

Emilienne d'Alencon

Alexander the Great

Kirsty Allsop (presenter on 'Location, Location, Location')

Nadia Almada (from Big Brother 5)

Marc Almond1

Simon Amstell (former presenter of 'Popworld', presenter of 'Never Mind The Buzzcocks')

Hans Christian Anderson

Julian Anderson (Professor of Composition at Harvard University)

Martin Andersson (fashion designer)

Queen Anne

Michael Arditti (author)



Babydaddy (of the Scissor Sisters)

Ruth Badger (runner-up of 'The Apprentice' in 2006)

Claire Balding (former champion jockey, presenter on 'Grandstand')

Tallulah Bankhead

Samuel Barber (composer)2

Natalie Barney

Roy Barraclough (Alec Gilroy in 'Coronation Street')

John Barrowman (Captain Jack in 'Dr Who')

Amanda Barry (acted in a couple of the 'Carry On' films, Alma in 'Coronation Street')

Lance Bass (formerly of 'N Sync)

Michelle Bass (from Big Brother 5)

Jarrod Batchelor (Mr Gay UK 2003)

Mabel Batten3

Cecil Beaton

Andy Bell

Alan Bennett

Leonard (Lenny) Bernstein

Sarah Bettens (lead singer of K's Choice)

Christopher Biggins

Rabbi Lionel Blue (does 'Thought for the Day' on Radio 4)

Anthony Blunt

Dirk Bogarde

David Bowie

Dane Bowers (formerly of Another Level)

Benjamin Britten

Vera Britten

Ben Bradshaw MP

Steve Bronski

Bob Brown (leader of the Greens in Australia)

Nick Brown MP

Rita May Brown

Dan Bryan (from Big Brother 5)

Chris Bryant MP

Lord George Gordon Noel Byron

James Buchanan (15th US President, 1857-1861)4

Michelangelo Buonarroti (painted Sistene Chapel, sculpted David)

Guy Burgess

Pete Burns (lead singer of Dead or Alive)

William S Burroughs (author, Beat legend)

Wes Butters (from Radio 1)


Emperor Caligula

Rhona Cameron

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (painter)

Alan Carr (comedian)

Michael Cashman (Labour MEP for West Midlands)

Richard Chamberlain

Graham Chapman

Mary Cheney (daughter of US Vice-President Dick Cheney)

Marc Cherry (creator and executive producer of 'Desperate Housewives')

Queen Christina

Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson (of Throbbing Gristle)

James Clark (UK ambassador to Luxembourg)5

Arthur C Clarke

Julian Clary

Craig Coates (from Big Brother 6)

Richard Cole (of Communards)


Aaron Copland

Noël Coward

Jason Cowen (from Big Brother 5)

Anthony Crank (presenter on 'T4')

Fanny Craddock6

Quentin Crisp

Bobby Crush (pianist7, sometime winner of 'Opportunity Knocks')

Alan Cumming


Dana International

Ben Daniels (Finn from 'Cutting It')

David Daniels (countertenor singer)

Ron Davies MP

Russell T Davis

Doris Day8

Jeanine Deckers (the Singing Nun)

Michael Deeley (architect)

Ellen DeGeneres

Emily Dickinson

Marlena Dietrich


Hilda Doolittle (H.D.)

Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas9

Brian Dowling (of 'Big Brother 2' fame)

Gary Downing (BBC Unit Manager)

Carol Ann Duffy (poet, playwright, freelance writer)

Isadora Duncan

Don Dunstan (Premier of South Australia, 1969-79)


King Edward II

Annie Winifred Ellerman (Bryher)

Edith Ellis

Brian Epstein

Bulent Ersoy (Turkish Arabesque singer - formerly transvestite, now transgendered)

Kenny Everett

Rupert Everett


Richard Fairbrass

Rainer Werner Fassbinder (film director, producer, actor)

Mark Feehily (from Westlife)

Melissa Ferrick (US singer-songwriter)

Harvey Firestein

Edward Morgan Forster

Pim Fortuyn (led an anti-immigration party in the 2002 general elections in Holland)10

Jodie Foster

Samantha Fox (former Page 3 girl)

Frederick the Great

Nicki French

Stephen Fry

David Furnish (civil partner or 'husband' of Elton John)


Greta Garbo

Stephen Gately

Mark Gatiss (from League of Gentlemen)

George from 'Rainbow'11

Boy George

Gina Gershon

Sir John Gielgud

Kenny Goss (boyfriend of Elton John)

Duncan Grant

Russell Grant

Larry Grayson

Brian Greig (ex-leader of the Australian Democrats)

Emma Greenwood (from Big Brother 5)

Sir Alec Guinness

Thomas Gunn (poet)


Emperor Hadrian

Jorg Haider (leader of the far-right Freedom Party in Austria)

Radclyffe Hall

Kenneth Halliwell

Hartly Hare12

Johann Hari (reporter, journalist)

Russell Harty

Sir Nigel Hawthorne

Charles Hawtrey

Andrew Hayden-Smith (formerly Ben of 'Byker Grove', CBBC presenter)

Darren Hayes (formerly of Savage Garden)

Sean Hayes (Jack of 'Will & Grace')

Anne Heche

Hans Werner Henze (composer)

Alan Hollinghurst (author)

John Edgar Hoover

Frankie Howerd

Rock Hudson

Simon Hughes MP


Sir Witi Ihimaera (New Zealand/Maori author, wrote 'Whale Rider')

Eddie Izzard


Sir Derek Jacobi

Billie Jean King

John (from 'The Salon')

Elton John

Canon Jeffrey John

Darren Johnson (Green Party member of Greater London Assembly)

Angelina Joile

Bill T Jones (dancer, choreographer, co-founder of the Bill T Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company)

Jorge (from 'The Salon')

James Joyce

Shell Jubin (from Big Brother 5)


k.d. lang

Ross Kelly (TV presenter)

John Maynard Keynes

Andrew Kinlochan (of Phixx)

Michael Kirby (one of the seven Justices of the High Court of Australia)


Derek Laud (British political lobbyist for the Conservative party, also from Big Brother 6)

Thomas Edward Lawrence13

Tom Lenk (Andrew in 'Buffy')


Matt Lucas


Donald Maclean


Peter Mandelson MP

Katherine Mansfield

Miriam Margolyes


Christopher Marlowe

Del Marquis (of the Scissor Sisters)

Ricky Martin

Jake Maskall (Danny Moon in 'Eastenders')

Angela Mason (executive director of Stonewall)

Ivan Massow (businessman, one-time independent candidate for Mayor of London)

Armestead Maupin

Daphne du Maurier

Sir Peter Maxwell Davies

Kevin McDaid (formerly of boy band V, boyfriend of Mark Feehily)

Will McDonald (co-presenter with Chris Evans on 'TFI Friday')

James McGreever (ex-Governor of New Jersey)

Sir Ian McKellen

Donna McPhail

George Melly (jazz singer)

Freddie Mercury

Stephin Merritt (of The Magnetic Fields)

George Michael

Stuart Miles15

Harvey Milk

Scott Mills (from Radio 1)

Alanis Moissette

Steven Patrick Morrissey16

Alison Moyet

Megan Mullally (Karen of 'Will & Grace')

Iris Murdoch

Zeki Muren (Turkish equivalent of Liberace)


Martina Navratilova

Sir Isaac Newton

Tsar Nicholas I of Russia (reigned at time of Napoleon's invasion in 1812)

Harold Nicholson

Vaslav Fomich Nijinsky

Cynthia Nixon (Miranda from 'Sex and the City')


Anna Nolan (the ex-nun from 'Big Brother')

Graham Norton

Rudolph Nureyev


Mark Oaten MP

Paddy O'Connell (presenter of 'Liquid News')

Rosie O'Donnell

Joe Orton

Terry Osbourne


David Paisley (Ben in 'Holby City', Ryan in 'Tinsel Town')

Alex Parks

Brian Paddick (Lambeth Police Commander)

Hugh Paddick

Nick Partridge (chief executive of the Terence Higgins Trust)

Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian film-maker, poet, novelist, playwright, critic, political columnist and painter)

Seb Patane (visual artist, DJ, promoter of N.E.R.D.)

Patroclus (believed to be the lover of Achilles)

Roo Paul

Heather Peace (Sally 'Gracie' Fields in 'London's Burning')

Peter Pears (tenor singer, lover and muse of Benjamin Britten)

Anthony Perkins

Sue Perkins

Joe Phillips (author, cartoon artist)

Kitten Pinder (from Big Brother 5)


Cole Porter

Michael Portillo MP

Francis Poulenc

Lori Pretty

Christopher Price (original presenter of 'Liquid News')

Pete Price (semi-famous radio and club DJ in the North West of England)


Josh Rafters (of 'Big Brother 2' fame)

Ricardo (from 'The Salon')

Adrienne Rich

Christopher Rice

Gene Robinson (Bishop of New Hampshire)

Eleanor Roosevelt

Portia de Rossi (Nelle Porter on 'Ally McBeal')

Danny La Rue

Jane Rule


Marco Sabba (from Big Brother 5)

Vita Sackville West

Gus van Sant (filmmaker)


John Schlesinger (filmmaker)

Joel Schumacher (film director)

Brian Sewell (art critic)

Kemal Shahin (from Big Brother 6)

Jake Shears (of the Scissor Sisters)

Jeremy Sheffield (ballet dancer, love interest in Natalie Imbruglia's 'Torn' video, Dr. Alex Adams in 'Holby City')

Brian Singer (director of 'X-Men')

Osbert Sitwell

Nigel Slater

Wayne Sleep

Tommy Small (dancer, choreographer, Artistic Director of Smallpetitklein Dance Company)

Chad Smith (drummer from Red Hot Chilli Peppers)

Baron Chris Smith (former MP - first openly gay one - and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport)

Iain Smith MSP


Valeris Solanas18

Jimmy Somerville

Evguenia Souline

Dusty Springfield

Pam St Clements (Pat Butcher in 'Eastenders')

Jim Stanton (club promoter)

Gertrude Stein

Larry Steinbeck

Michael Stipe

Lytton Strachey

Dean Sullivan (Jimmy Corkhill from 'Brookside')


George Takei (Sulu in the original 'Star Trek')

Peter Tatchell19

P.I. Tchaikovsky

Neil Tennant

Mark Thijsmans (famous Belgian actor)

Sir Michael Tippett

Alice B Toklas

Sandy Toksvig

Martin Tomlinson (lead singer of Selfish C**t)

Violet Trefusis

Una Troubridge

Alan Turing

John Nathan Turner (producer of 'Doctor Who', Unit Manager for 'All Creatures Great and Small')


Natasha Vale (TV presenter, formerly stripper Tiger from Loose)

Gore Vidal

Leonardo Da Vinci


Rufus Wainwright (singer, songwriter)

Louis Walsh (manager of Boyzone, Westlife and Girls Aloud, judge on 'X Factor' and 'Pop Idol')

Sophie Ward

Andy Warhol

Matthew Waterhouse (Adric in 'Doctor Who')

John Water (filmmaker)

James West (mayor of Spokane, Wyoming)

Edmund White

Patrick White (Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1973)

Walt Whitman (American poet)

Oscar Wilde

Kenneth Williams

Josephine Wingate (transgender soldier - male to female)

Tinky Winky20

Jeanette Winterston

Dale Winton

Virginia Woolf


Will Young


Franco Zeffirelli (filmmaker)

The Rainbow Flag
1His real first name is Peter2Most famous work: Adagio for Strings3Otherwise known as Laydee4His 'wife' was the Governor of Alabama5He and his boyfriend were the first gay couple to be 'officially met' by the Queen6Err ...?7Similar in style to Liberace8Especially in buckskins! (Reference to 'Calamity Jane', I think)9Frequently known as 'Bosie'10Otherwise known as 'that Dutch bloke who got shot'!11Oh please!12I suspect some of us have had misspent youths!13Of Arabia14Real name: Peter Robinson15Debatable, but has performed in drag under the names of Annette Curtain and Stella Ratner16Frequently known only by his surname17Editor: Why?18Shot Andy Warhol19Grumble!20Since when has a large purple character from a children's TV programme with a triangle-shaped antenna, carrying a handbag ... oh, I see what you mean!

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