A Conversation for Ask h2g2

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10181

Taff Agent of kaos

its 02:00 in the morning if anyone is awake they are either smiley - aleed up or Wsmiley - lurking

and the thought of a quicksmiley - snork is not that far from all our minds

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10182

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

But It's only 2:00 am where you are Taff , me already had breakfast n thinking about lunchsmiley - winkeye

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10183

Taff Agent of kaos

its 03:30 now and i got pete mitchell on, just had the floyd and comfortably numb

<>is that a penis comment????

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10184

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

The Ed Hawkin singers *O Happy Day * for me on the radio , can't beat that smiley - winkeye

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10185

Taff Agent of kaos

sister act is on tv this afternoon

the nuns do a version of that

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10186

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Yep I heard one that too , the kids voice does a wobbly which works well ,Got to go out for bread in a mo ,nought for lunchsmiley - smiley

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10187

Taff Agent of kaos

not having a sunday roast????

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10188

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Want to say *one word* diet smiley - love

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10189

Taff Agent of kaos

all the veg is good for you, a little gravy and a nice chiken breastsmiley - drool

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10190


so conversation is about breasts now???????

smiley - bubbly

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10191

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - titsmiley - tit suits mesmiley - cheers

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10192

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

Just been shopping and saw the most beautiful arse wrapped in black jeans, now my mrs is a size 7 and I reckon this one was smaller than that but just drop dead gorgeous , she could come and sit on my face anytimesmiley - magic

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10193

Taff Agent of kaos


can you lick your nose and breath through your ears?????

smiley - bat

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10194

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

If I had tosmiley - cool

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10195

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Ah,now you're talking. P'haps I should be rejoining the convo now smiley - winkeye

(smiley - disco/\smiley - disco) smiley - boingsmiley - boing

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10196

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Breast or leg, its always such a difficult choice to make, especially now with the credit crunch, deflation and such-like: Do we anymore have the right to say, - "Either or?", "why not both?" smiley - zensmiley - drool
I'm quite partial to breast, but have a particular fondness for leg as well... Oh the Quandry. smiley - zen
Noticed a what might be to some in the same circumstance, worrying trend re my knickers draw recently.... The proportion of male underwear to female undergarments seems to have altered smiley - ermsmiley - blushsmiley - erm
These lacey things are just so... lacey smiley - droolsmiley - ermsmiley - run

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10197

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Well, I almost became a leg man some years ago when a male colleague used to pick up a female colleague from the stop from which I used to catch a to w*rk. He had an old-fashioned sports car with a long bonnet and running boards. Instead of opening the door to get in, she just used to step over the door.She had long blonde hair, down to her waist, and used to wear a black leather micro skirt... smiley - drool.

Fortunately, I manfully managed to retain my allegiance to (smiley - disco/\smiley - disco) smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - biggrin

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10198

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - dohsmiley - bussmiley - grr

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10199

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyessmiley - drool

But surely, by seeing afore mentioned legs entering sports car, this must have made you immediately go out and want to buy a sports car...? no?... Damn, just discovered major flaw in sports-car advertising stratogy smiley - snorksmiley - drool

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 10200


Oh i love men you know whats they are lovely smooth and spit cream they are fun to play with lets just say me and my husband have loads of fun with his and battery operated ones smiley - biggrin

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