This is a Journal entry by Hypatia

Progress Report

Post 1


It looks like Frank is on the mend. Things aren't happening as quickly as we had hoped, but they are happening.

The surgery was Thursday afternoon. He was pretty much on schedule until Friday afternoon when his temperature started to climb. So, they started him on antibiotics. Then when they tried to turn off the ventillator, he had too much CO2 in his blood,so they decided to leave it until Saturday.

Saturday was a nightmare. His temperature climbed to 104.7. Then his blood pressure shot up really high and his heart beat became erratic. They decided to give him the blood pressure medication he takes at home....four different drugs....but instead of spacing them out they gave it to him all at once. Within an hour his BP had dropped to 55/35.

They put the head of his bed down so he was nearly standing on his head, packed him in ice, and turned a fan on him to bring down his temperature. Then they attached a pacemaker to regulate his heart beat.

Within another 4 hours his readings were all normalizing and he has continued to improve ever since. They took out the ventillator yesterday and have disconnected all of his drips. He still has two drains in his chest theat they are going to try to get out this afternoon. And they're finally going to get him out of bed today for a little while.

His temperature is still too high, but is staying at around 100, which isn't dangerous. He's cranky, so that's a good sign. The bad news is that it doesn't look like I'll be able to have him home for Thanksgiving. So, his turkey dinner will be late this year. Six years ago, when he had his bypass surgery, he was in the hospital over Easter. I guess he's trying to hit the holidays. smiley - smiley

Progress Report

Post 2

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - hug Yes, I think grumpiness is a good sign smiley - smiley.

Progress Report

Post 3


Definitely! smiley - hug for the fraught Saturday, but smiley - cheerup for Frank now he's in a state to appreciate it! Does he do grapes?

Progress Report

Post 4

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

Thoughts and prayers still on-going for both of you.

B4smiley - cheerup

Progress Report

Post 5


I hope things will now be on the up and up and that you are both over the worst, Hypatia.

Have another !

Progress Report

Post 6

Witty Moniker

I'm glad to hear the situation is improving. smiley - ok And you can have Thanksgiving dinner when you're both good and ready for it.

Progress Report

Post 7


Scary! But glad things are now on the mend. And I agree, cranky definately means good. smiley - cheerup

Progress Report

Post 8

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

You have every prayer I can utter right now.
It does sound like there is some significant improvementsmiley - rose
If there is anything I can do for you here, let me know. O.k.?
Keep well, and give Frank a smiley - kiss on the forehead for me.

Progress Report

Post 9

Garius Lupus

Can't imagine being stood on my head and packed in ice smiley - bigeyes. As a medical treatment in hospital. Sounds like it did the trick, though, and I'm glad for that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (which makes it very difficult to type). smiley - hug

Progress Report

Post 10


Just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers to everyone elses. I also agree that grumpy is good.

When Frank comes home, your dinner will truly be a Thanksgiving dinner.


Progress Report

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - hug

Ice is good for bringing temperature down - or, if it's below freezing point outside - open windows and put cold wet towels on the patient (yes, it works, believe me)

Progress Report

Post 12

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

But it is terribly uncomfortable for the patient.

Hypatia, you are both in my prayers as well.
smiley - dog

Progress Report

Post 13

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - tongueoutahhhhh...some guy's'll do anything for attention.
smiley - ermWhy's everyone looking at me like that?!?
smiley - winkeye
smiley - ok

Progress Report

Post 14

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I'll bet Hypatia would like some attention, toosmiley - winkeye
Attention from a nice relaxing bath, and a full body theraputic massage with aromatherapy oils!
Perhaps in a few weeks, she and Frank could celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's day with mutual therapy?......

Progress Report

Post 15

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyes

Progress Report

Post 16

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Thinking of you and husband
smiley - hug
bedside smiley - rose
smiley - cheerup

Progress Report

Post 17

Pandora...Born Again Tart


Progress Report

Post 18

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I hope everything is going well, Hypatiasmiley - rose
I sincerely wish that this Thanksgiving you have loads to really be thankful for.
And that Frank is getting better (or crankiersmiley - winkeye)
Lots of smiley - love and smiley - kiss

Progress Report

Post 19

Pandora...Born Again Tart

WE included 'all' of YOU guys in the Thanksgiving prayer this year! smiley - ok

Progress Report

Post 20

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

smiley - love
How are you? Frank?
Hope everything is alright.
smiley - cuddle

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