This is a Journal entry by Hypatia

Progress Report

Post 81

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I saw a poster last week that said.....
"Bananas are better than men, because...", that went on to list ten reasons for bananas being superior that I won't mention here, as it is too risque.smiley - blush
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 82


Caer, how's the new kitty? I bet Sadie is looking down and smiling. I really think animals have spirits and that they stick around and keep an eye on us. Years ago I had a Siamese Tabby mix named Spooky who got into some antifreeze and died. About a month after he died I was in that half awake state when I felt a cat jump onto the bed. I automatically reached out and was petting it when I felt a bump on the tail. Spooky was the only cat I ever had with a broken tail. As soon as it dawned on me that it was Spooky and he was gone, he vanished.

Karen, smiley - dragonsmiley - lovesmiley - rosesmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle at the risk of sounding like Pan........................I have half a notion to visit you and knock the crap out of everyone giving you grief. I know what you mean about the animals. I love goats. Wish I lived somewhere where I could have some. Sheep are nice too. Bummer about the car window. I ripped the bumper off of the car a few months back. It's a long story. smiley - erm What happened to the window? It was accidental I hope. And what is going on with your daughter? Dang.....I'm way behind on everything.

I think my mom had depression and should be on medication. Of course she disagrees. But she is so down all the time and doesn't even enjoy the grandkids or holidays or anything. Her health is good otherwise. How long have you been on the Prozac and how long does it usually take before you get some relief?

I've decided to plant grapes this spring. smiley - ok And I'm going out of the strawbery growing business. It's too much trouble. Plus I'm pretty sure I can actually get them cheaper at the farmer's market. smiley - cross But I'm keeping the raspberries and blackberries. They're very expensive to buy at the market. I've tried three times to raise blueberries, but they just get smaller and smaller. So, blueberry bushes are going. I've tested the soil and mulched and fertilized and babied them all to no avail. They just don't want to live here. smiley - sadface

My brother was here yesterday for his birthday. He's not a smiley - cake person, so I baked him a pan of fudge brownies. So I have the makings of a brownie sundae! Caer isn't the only one out of bananas. smiley - yikes

As to Pan's suggestion that I eat my veggies...........What a concept!smiley - doh Now why didn't I think of that? smiley - biggrin

Progress Report

Post 83

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Stuff with my daughter is bettersmiley - ok
I can see great amounts of progress, since she admitted to having lied. (That is what I had been saying all along, but I somehow didn't count.)
The car window simply shattered. It is the tailgate window, and it shattered when we shut the tailgate. I think it was simply too cold, and the window too old.smiley - erm
I've been on Prozac for 12 days. There is still no relief yet, but I can hope..... I think the biggest hurdle was believing that I wasn't defective.smiley - drool I don't want any more labelssmiley - grr
I posted a bit about an accident yesterday, in my journal. Such a tragedy.
Well, I need to go deal with the rest of my life at the moment, so I will say good-byesmiley - ta for now.
smiley - peacesignsmiley - nahnah
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 84

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*wonders it smiley - dragonLady knows Ta means ' thank you' in English...and when Pan wants to be a smart a** she posts...
smiley - tasmiley - in bye-bye....*
Prozac will kick in any day now! smiley - ok...the sky will be bluer...the air will be fresher, if thassss possible on a farm...smiley - bigeyes...and the bestest 'side effect' from Prozac helps reduce pain. smiley - cool
...*wonders if Frank could taste it if Lady-H spiked is smiley - oj...*
smiley - sadface Everycat I had I ever named Sadie had far less than 9 lives. smiley - sadface
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly <---sparkeling cider for K.
smiley - ermI hope to hell 2003 doesn't suck cannal water thru a straw like 2001 & 2002 did.
smiley - divaI'm having a party! Time to frantically run around shoving stuff into baskets and then camoflaudging them with blankets and scarves an' things.smiley - whistle
smiley - tongueoutMarth Stweart I ain't. smiley - biggrin At least my hair doesn't hang in my face! smiley - weird ...need sleep...need sex dreams...not necessarrily in that order...smiley - laugh
smiley - cheerup...*readies loo brush...takes a naps before cleaning...decides to only light the stained glass lamps, the tin punched lanterns and the fireplace...*smiley -, if I jusss toss some glitter into that big cob web...smiley - discosmiley - biggrin Martha, eat your heart out! smiley - cool
(my buddy Chris gave me a double magnum... of white wine he made...that sucker ain't gonna' live ta' see mid-night...if *I* have anything to say about it...which I do! The wine! Not Chris!) smiley - boing'm loosing it....smiley - sleepy...G-nite Ladies!

Progress Report

Post 85

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

You are a real hootsmiley - biggrin
I can see my place being decorated like yours.....
Have loads of fun at your partysmiley - ok Save me a cute party favor (preferrably one with big muscles)!
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 86


Well...............we'll be having a quiet New Year's. I'll build a fire in the fireplace - something I don't normally do since it seems to make the house colder instead of warmer - put on some old albums Frank enjoys like Frank Sinatra or Nat King Cole or Steve and Edie or Johnny Mathis. Then I'll fix him a non-alcoholic punch or eggnog since he can't have smiley - bubbly this year and I have some cheese and deer sausage (yes, my nephew shot Bambi and made him into summer sausage) and I'll make a pretty little party tray so it will look festive. Then we'll probably both go to sleep in our chairs for an hour or so until we hear the neighbors shooting fireworks at midnight, at which time I'll call the cops on them and go to bed.

Should have heard from the doctor's office about his pro time so I know whether or not to change his coumadin dosage. Wonder what's up.

We had the most incredibly stupid home health nurse this morning. She really ticked me off. smiley - cross I'm totally fed up with the whole situation. They never send the same person twice in a row, but until now all of them have been nice. I'm going to call their office and tell them that I don't want her back. I'm tempted to cancel the whole service. I don't really need them anyway.

Our electric line was practically on the ground this morning, so I had to call for a repair person. Must have been the snow. Then after I called, I thought that it could actually be the phone line. Oh well, guess we'll find out when they come.

I found something in my desk that I've been searching for for a long time. It wasn't there the last time I looked. Really! It was a bank statement that I need for our library audit. So I'm glad that whoever moved it in the first place decided to put it back. Of course no one will admit even knowing what I'm talking about. I suspect I have a gremlin. A whole file drawer of personnel folders disappeared a few months back and they never have shown up. And several folders with grant contracts vanished last month. They were in bright green folders. Nothing else in the building is ever put into green folders. So they would be easy to spot if they were just misfiled. I'll have to contact the state library and have copies of them sent to me. Which makes me look like a moron.

smiley - yikes Better get busy.

Progress Report

Post 87

Titania (gone for lunch)

Sounds as if you have borrowing bogles, Hypatia... A206759

Really frustrating little creatures, aren't they? I sometimes find things I've been looking for in a place where I've already looked 3 times, and then decided to look just once more (4th time) before giving up...

Progress Report

Post 88


Very cute article. smiley - biggrin

Whatever they're called............I have them.

Progress Report

Post 89

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

We have them, too!
(Only in my case they're called KIDSsmiley - ermsmiley - groan)
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 90


Frank's blood is still too thin, but the platelet count is nearly normal, so that isn't a worry any more. smiley - smiley

Now he has a gouty toe, for heavens sake. smiley - yikes What next.

Have a fun but safe evening! smiley - bubblysmiley - disco

Progress Report

Post 91

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Would soaking Frank's toes in epsom salts help?smiley - huh
I know it helps me when my feet act upsmiley - ok Oftentimes I will add some eucalyptus or rosemary to the water, and that helps, too.....

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!smiley - disco

smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 92


The smiley - doctor gave him a prescription for allopurinol, but it takes several days for it to be effective. and if his pro time goes too high with it he'll have to stop taking it. I'm putting him on a low purine diet.

I 'll pick up some epsom salts and give the soak a try. It sure can't hurt.

A friend is heavily into essential oils. She's always bringing something for me to smell. I guess there's something wrong with me, because except for the lavendar they all smell alike. smiley - weird

Progress Report

Post 93

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I understand about everything smelling the same. A person's senses can become overwhelmed with scents very easily. The sense of smell is the most direct sense that triggers memory, too.
Have you ever smelled cotton candy, and had a vivid memory of going to the fair as a kid? Or smelled roses and vividly remembered something about an elderly female relative?smiley - huh
I'm constantly amazed at the things our bodies can do.....
I hope the epsom salts helpsmiley - rose
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 94


Sometimes the old remedies are better than the modern stuff. The foot soak is working. smiley - ok thanks for remind me of it. smiley - rosesmiley - hug

Progress Report

Post 95

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

smiley - coolsmiley - ok
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 96


How's your weather? Are you snowbound yet?

Supposedly when the earth shifts on its axis, Sasketchewan will be much warmer and will be the bread basket of the world. smiley - ok

Progress Report

Post 97

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Considering my car has no back window at the moment, we are pretty home-boundsmiley - erm
There is more snow than last year at this timesmiley - ok, although we could use another six feet of the stuff!
I would really welcome a huge snowstormsmiley - biggrin
It was difficult getting out of the yard on monday, though. The snow in the driveway was 18 inches deep in places, and my car doesn't steer very well still...
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 98


I'd forgotten about your window. Do you have some heavy plastic you can put over it until you get a new one?

Progress Report

Post 99

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Nothing of the sortsmiley - erm I have a cardboard box I can cover the hole with, though.smiley - laugh
My landlord is trying to work something out so that I can make payments to him for a mini vansmiley - ok
That would be soooooo nicesmiley - biggrin
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 100


I have a small car, which makes it realy hard to haul stuff when I'm doing my gardening. It's a hatchback and teh rear seat is supposed to lay down but hasn't worked for years. smiley - cross I'sd love a van or pickup or suv or about anything that would carry straw and peat moss and fence posts, etc.

Gardening is about the only real hobby I have left. I'll try not to bore you to tears with all my planting plans. smiley - erm But sometimes I get a little carried away, so you might have to remind me to change the subject. smiley - smiley Right now I have a whole basket full of seed catalogs to browse through. smiley - ok

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