This is a Journal entry by Hypatia

Progress Report

Post 61

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])


Better is GOOD. You're a wonderful woman to take such great care of your man and see he gets the best medical treatment. smiley - cheerup

God bless you both abundantly,
B4smiley - biggrin

Progress Report

Post 62

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - hug & a smiley - smooch for Frank from 'The Tart'. smiley - biggrin If you get no reaction from *my* kiss...don't let them release him. smiley - winkeye

Whatever ya' not, I repeat, DO NOT promise a certain amount of payment on that bill. Trust me. If you offer to give back his 'golden arm' they won't want it. smiley - ok As long as you pay something...and sometimes a bit MORE than something and other times a bit less than something...they will not press the issue. I did a bit of research on the subject once you told us what drug he was needing. I have my *ahem* sources.smiley - whistle

Progress Report

Post 63


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Frank's homecoming this weekend smiley - smiley

Progress Report

Post 64

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyesWell...that 'splains all those typos, Lucy. smiley - biggrin

Progress Report

Post 65


Hi gang. Frank is home from the hospital and is cranky. But it looks like he's finally on the mend.

You've heard of good days and bad days. Well, he has good hours and bad hours. I don't understand how someone can be perky and cheerful one minute and weak and shaky the next. But I gues it will just take time. He has a home health nurse who comes to check on him and draw blood. This keeps us from having to drive back to the hospital lab. So that's working out ok.

I'll be going back to work on Monday. I only live 5 minutes from work, so I can run back and forth for a few weeks to make sure he's ok and to fix his lunch. I've about maxed out my vacation time, so I really need to get back to work. And I'll be so far behind that it will take quite a while to catch up . It's always something.

We had the most glorious snowfall on the 23rd and 24th. It's the first white Christmas we've had for many years. Hope Santa was good to all of you.

Progress Report

Post 66

Titania (gone for lunch)

Cranky sounds good to me, H.smiley - zen!smiley - ok

Progress Report

Post 67

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - oksmiley - ok

...crock-pots and nuke-able meals shall sustain him!!! If he were mine...he'd be out shoveling snow. smiley - bigeyessmiley - snowballsmiley - llabwons

Progress Report

Post 68


Coming home from Hospital is exhausting and it is very common for people to have mood swings.

They can't wait to get home, expecting to feel better in their own surroundings, getting food they are used to etc, but without the 24 hour nursing care and having to relying on loved ones, ex-patients tire quickly.

Frank is behaving perfectly normally for a recently discharged patient, H. I'm afraid you will find things hard work for a while so make sure you get plenty of rest and get friends and family in for an hour or two regularly so that you can get out and have a break.

Progress Report

Post 69

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

I keep saying my prayers for you both.smiley - rose
Sounds like you are both in need of a pick-me-up.
Keep hangin' in theresmiley - erm (Awful thing for me to say, isn't it?)
Everything is on the mend, and that is what countssmiley - biggrinsmiley - ok
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 70


Platelets are up to 135. So that's nearly normal. Today his blood is too thin so I have to go to Walgreens and get him a Vitamin K tablet. He's supposed to have it asap,. so I guess I'd better get going. smiley - run

I didn't know Vitamin K was so dangerous that you need a perscription for it. And they're giving me one tablet. It's easier to get cocaine!

Progress Report

Post 71

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Er, be glad you're/he's getting an Rx vitamin!!! (wheew)

For those who don't know....hold onto your hats!!!
There are NO agencies to oversee vitamins!
I'm already past my 'experation date' (on the 9th of Dec. by four years) due to a toxin in L-trytophan.
...more info, if interested at
smiley - grovelPlease don't treat me differently now that you know I'm ill. With my book soon coming out...I may as well 'come out' too.
Mark Moxin E'd me quiet awile ago to let the 'public' know about my EMS.
If you go to my 'spiffy' new HomePage (thanks to ACE Tonto)
and go to the bottom, my friends list, if you click onto Ændr...she has a peom on her page that I wrote a loooong time ago. I 'bout freaked when I saw it on her page...
....ask anything you like.....jussssss pa-leeze don't treat me like I'm sick...smiley - tongueoutOr I might have to seek you out an kick you on the shin or sumthin'. smiley - nahnah
Other than perscribed stuff...don't put it in your mouth! unless the Dr. tells ya' to...& trust me here gals...the TRUTH on the lable means zip, nada, ziltch.smiley - erm
...*skips out the door singing ...just one K keeps the smiley - doctor away...wonders if that's gonna' cost a ka-billion dollars too...*
Frank seems to have good blood coursing through his vains...
smiley - bigeyes...what's he look like?? I mean, inquiring Tarts, er, minds want to know. smiley - zenAfter all...we ARE all sorta' some type of Certain Ethnic Support Group. smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

Progress Report

Post 72

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

What would we treat you different for, Pandorasmiley - huh
You're just as smiley - weird as the rest of us. (Some might say more sosmiley - nahnah), so why pick out someone who has things to deal with, and make an example of them?
No point in doing that, in my opinion.....
We love you no matter what, Girl!smiley - lovesmiley - rose
Besides, who would give me great child-raising info, if not you?smiley - bigeyes
smiley - winkeye

Progress Report

Post 73


The Department of Health here have already put out warnings about so called natural remedies, many are toxic and many people take them and ignore dosage recommendations assuming that they are safe because the package has the word 'natural' on them.

Progress Report

Post 74

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

That's why one should use them only in consultation with a Naturopath, or after consulting one's G.P.!
smiley - drunk
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 75


Well.................................we haven't had such great luck lately with the prescribed stuff ya know. smiley - cross About vitamins and supplements----since the main proponents are people who stand to make money selling the things, I think we all should be very wary.

I went in to pick up his vitamin pill. It was $8.99. And I was told to only give him 1/4 of the pill. So I cut it into fourths and saved the rest of it in case he needs another fourth of a pill next week. smiley - weird They told me that it isn't legal for them to cut pills so they had to sell me a whole one. Guess it only comes in one strength.

And Pan, I'm glad you don't want to be treated like a sick person. I don't think I have the strength right now to pamper anyone else. So make your own chicken soup and rub your own feet if you don't mind.

Karen, how the heck are you? smiley - rose What's up up north?

Progress Report

Post 76

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*looks North...sees Canada...*

smiley - cheersThanks everyone. take that $36 dollar a dose pill and double wrap it in:
1.) plastic & 2.) foil
...when I w*rked for the Psychology Services in The County Seat...
we prescribed and SOLD vitamins an' stuff! smiley - yikes
...smiley - ermAfter the L-T made me sick, I thought my sister was gonna bitchslap me for even suggesting I actually find and TAKE more T-L...cuz it always made me feel better before I got the 'killer batch'.smiley - did. smiley - diva
The rhyme goes: Don't play with vitamin 'K'.
A few drops of valarian root in Frank's tea would help relax-a-late him.smiley - whistle I didn't say anything. Let him be a Grumpy ole' man. Or...we COULD use some 'applied science'! smiley - kiss
Ladies??? What ideas can we give Lady-H that will truely help enrich *their* lives? smiley - bigeyessmiley - yukWe're gonna' pull everyone through even if it KILLS us or sumthin'. smiley - ok

Ooooo I know, I know.....send your addy to my Fan Mail addy & I'll make a relaxation tape just for Frank! smiley - kiss 'They' say my voice is very soothing. smiley - bigeyes I've been paid money, just, to talk. smiley - biggrin Like in therapy sessions an' stuff. smiley - laugh (oh I need sleep...4 hours after being up 2 daze...then another all nighter...ohmyhell, I jusss
looked in the mirror!smiley - yikes Scared myself...time for sleep...yep

Here I WAZZZ the picture of health...and something that was 'sopsed ta' be 'good' for me, is what's killin' me. smiley - shrug

smiley - ermI'm afraid that 1/4 of a pill cost ya' 9 bucks cuz people like mesmiley - whistle...smiley - yukOkay...I was there...that WAS me on CNN...
smiley - ermRepeatedly...
*ahem* I've been quiet vocal about regulating stuff we swallow.
smiley - cryAnd I really dislike regulations. smiley - puff Torn between two Wolds...smiley - tongueout...the 'Knows' and 'The Know Knots'...smiley - winkeye
Hopefully, one day the World will be safer in many ways.

smiley - dragonLady...howzzz the noise level at your house???
I SAIDsmiley - yawnHOW'S THEsmiley - ermnever mind. I SAIDsmiley - yawnI'M LOOSING MYsmiley - yawnMIND!smiley - ermsmiley - shrugsmiley - sleepy

....*wonders if Prgroess Report = Underground Support Group...*

smiley - hugsmiley - hugAll 'round.....I'll be back after New Year!smiley - bubbly
Have a Good Un Everyone!smiley - crackersmiley - kisssmiley - cracker

Progress Report

Post 77


I think someone has been into the eggnog again. smiley - whistle

I've never taken L-tryptophan. Right now I'm doing CoQ10 for my ticker. And I have a cabinet full of stuff like garlic and melatonin and ginko biloba that I never can remember to take. smiley - erm But I've been afraid to buy the wonder formulas that have lots of ingredients because I've heard that they have a lot of stuff in them that's not on the label. Actually, I should just get a good multivitamin like Centrum because I'd be more likely to actually take it than all of the horse pills I have. I have some coral calcium. Those pills are hugh. Why the heck do vitamins and supplements have to be so big that you choke trying to swallow them? Some of the Vitamin C tablets are as big as several small states! They won't go down and then they sit in your stomach and hurt for hours while they're trying to dissolve. smiley - steam And I have grapefruit pectin for my cholesterol. You're supposed to take 5 of them 3 times a day! smiley - yikes And taurine and L-Arginine. And Tonalin. And Vitamin E. And B-150. Those make me tinkle bright yellow. smiley - blush

Makes you sit up and have some respect, huh. Question is, why don't I feel good since I'm spending a fortune on vitamins? And how the heck did I miss the L-t? I have everything else!

Progress Report

Post 78

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...A GOOD one a day is more than enough of what you need... unless youre paying $100 per month the coal is mainly sand...unless it's a time releaased vit-C...after you take it...and 30 minutes to an hours of by...the 1st time you go pee...all the vit C goes too...if you want C...take a time released with a multi b complex...or the C won't be absorbed anyway...smiley - erm
Couldn't you jusssss eat your veggies?? smiley - biggrin
Peel a couple oranges, grapefruit, you'll actuall munch on um...leave them aorund in bolws....same w/veggies...the more color....the more anit-oxidents. Send you cash to ME!

~Happy New Year~ G-day! smiley - zzz

Progress Report

Post 79

The Dragonlady~There are no ugly women in the world, only neglected ones!

Hi, Luvsmiley - biggrin
I see you're feeling a little bit spunkier todaysmiley - ok
I know it doesn't seem like it, but part of getting better (or so some wise-apple told me) is letting out all of the frustrating crap, so it doesn't fester inside.....
I'm amazed at your spiritsmiley - rose You are an inspiration.

Things are o.k. here, I guess.
I've been doing all of the farm chores while the landlords are in another province. It has been like therapy for me. I like smiley - sheepsmiley - blacksheep a lot nowsmiley - biggrin
I am on Prozac, if you haven't already found out.smiley - cry I am hoping it will help this darned depression go away. It just seems to want to stick to me like glue, and I hate it.
smiley - handcuffs and I have been going through some crap. Boys have cooties.
The kids are driving me up the wall. I keep trying to get them to go outside, so I can have some peace and quiet, but they are intent on fighting with each other instead.
My car window shattered on Christmas day. Now I have to come up with the money to replace it. STUPID CAR!!!smiley - grr
It's great to know Frank is on the mendsmiley - ok
Now, do yourself a favor and go treat yourself to a huge banana split, with whipped cream. Sounds like the bananas would do you good.
smiley - dragonlady Karen

Progress Report

Post 80


*adds bananas to shopping list*

Thanks for reminding me smiley - ok

I forgot to get any when I stoked up before Crimble and cereal is so smiley - yawn with out any.

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