This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 41


Yes, bagpuss, they announce the results on television. Or, for the really dedicated, you can go to the courthouse and wait in person while they count the votes. They come out and announce the totals. So, you find out about a half-hour earlier usually than if you stay home and watch it on tv.

Phred, the boys at the bar aren't going to read even if we could sober them up. smiley - winkeye We get free radio PSAs sometimes. When they're having a slow day, advertising wise. And I firmly believe every library needs a duck family in residence. I'm very jealous of David's ducks. smiley - envy

Well, I went to vote on my way to work. I was #70. Both of my city councilmen were there. Which is good. Always want them to realize that, yes, I do vote. Makes them a bit more accountable. smiley - winkeye

Polls close in a little over 8 hours.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 42

Hickory Daiquiri Duck

What's a PSA?

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 43

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Hyp, you may be jealous of my ducks, but we don't have a Bob's Rock. smiley - smiley

I like voting. Putting my slip in the ballot box is such a satisfying thing to do.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 44


smiley - laugh The ducks are more cuddly than the rock. But the rock does have an appeal. At least to those of us who know the story. smiley - evilgrin

I should be working on reports. Can't concentrate worth a darn. And the phones are ringing constantly this morning. Lots of well-wishers. So maybe this is all going to turn out ok.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 45

Lady Chattingly

I certainly hope the mascot duck isn't like that duck around the campfire. He was a terror!! smiley - bigeyes

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 46

Hickory Daiquiri Duck

WAAK? Hey, I resemble that remark!

Fix you a drink? smiley - drunk

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 47


PSA: Public Service Announcement.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 48


Just got a call from the newspaper wanting to know if it ok to call me. smiley - weird

Very nervous. Haven't gotten a lick of work done today. Nine million interruptions.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 49


Oh. Polls close in 4 hours.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 50


I am not exaggerating. I have had at lese 100 phone calls and people stopping in to say they had just voted or were on their way to vote. Maybe this is going to be okay after all.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 51


sneaks back and adds a t

Well, that didn't last long. smiley - erm

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 52


Good grief......worry

*hopes Pimms isn't lurking*

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 53


*Hugs you tightly* It'll be fine.

So, what's this election thing anyway? Why does it affect the library?

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 54

Lady Chattingly

Yes, duck, you can fix me a smiley - stiffdrink. "It's five o'clock somewhere." smiley - musicalnote

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 55


Acetegan, we are asking the voters to increase our operations levy. If they approve it, it will almost double my budget. The majority of our income comes from property taxes. People don't like paying higher taxes, so it's a tricky thing to sell.

Polls close in 40 minutes.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 56


Ahh, okaydokey. Thank you. smiley - smiley Was a mite puzzled.

Yes, I can see why that would concern you.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 57


*Slips harness onto pacing Hypatia*

*Attaches harness to generator*

*guides Hyp into a rut around said generator*

*solves energy problem for Webb City amid rising gas prices*

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 58


Polls are closed. Should know by 10.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 59

Lady Chattingly

I rather like the idea of you providing energy for the city, Hyp. Thanks to Leo for the suggestion.
We don't get election results for MO here in KS so I am depending on you to let us know...........
Just got out of the hot tub. Boy! Am I relaxed. Is it the hot tub or the bourbon??????

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 60

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

So what's the word from the bird? No, not you, David. And not you, Hickory.

Lady C: both.

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