This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 21


I'm posting from my local library and wishing for the best result, Hyp.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 22

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

A pox on unintelligent voters!

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 23

Lady Chattingly

Keep a stiff upper lip, your chin up, a positive attitude, etc.,
I have good feelings about the election tomorrow. smiley - smooch

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 24


Don't they shut down bars on election day? smiley - huh

Here's another smiley - hug. If you wear down the rug then you finally have an excuse to replace it! smiley - wow (Assuming it was the one Great Aunt Tilly gave you that she made herself...smiley - erm)

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 25

Lady Chattingly

I thought the bars were closed on Election Day too, but here, so were package liquor stores. Now, at least in Sedgwick County, it's up to the individual communities to decide whether or not to close down. We don't have a bar or a liquor store here in our town, but the grocer sells beer. He can now sell it on Sunday, by decree of the city council. I am assuming he can sell it on holidays as well, if he is open on the holiday. Kansas was a dry state for a long time--and some counties still are dry. The law for bars here, at one time, was that only 3.2 beer could be sold in a bar unless the bar brought in a percentage of its profits in the food line. Things have changed and I'm soooo confused. smiley - erm

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 26


smiley - laugh I thought the whole point was because the political Bosses were souping people up and sending them to vote as repeaters. Is that no longer a danger?

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 27

Lady Chattingly

Dunno.............I lead a sheltered life. As far as I know there are no political bosses in my little corner of the world, (unless you count the bank president--who pretty much controls everything here). Hyp would probably know about the laws down there though. smiley - smiley

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 28


To the best of my knowledge the bars will be open tomorrow.

There is a change in the election procedure however. Now you have to show a photo id as well as your voter registration card. Should eliminate deceased voters showing up at the polls. smiley - winkeye

In 24 hours I should know the results.

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 29


A thousand blessings upon your fidgeting.

smiley - goodlucksmiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 30


Hey! You're alive! smiley - hug

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 31



Worry Pace Fidget

Post 32


Worry Pace Fidget

Post 33

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*the twist*

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 34

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

smiley - bigeyes

Lots of crossed things, as we must be down to about 16 hours now...

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 35


smiley - goodluck

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 36


The polls opened 90 minutes ago. They'll close at 7pm, which is 1am GMT. Then it takes a bit to count the ballots. So, 11.5 hours left to vote and then a frantic 2-3 hours to get the tally.

Fortunately I have a ton of work to do today to help keep my mind off of it all. But then when don't I have a ton of work to do? I'm exhausted. That's why we need more money - so I can hire some extra people. Even being able to replace the ones who've left would be a help. smiley - sigh

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 37

LL Waz

smiley - zen ommmmmmming with Wilma.

(If it gets too stressmaking, drop a tv or two.)

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 38

Lady Chattingly

Wish I lived closer. I would volunteer a couple of days a week for Hyp. (As long as I could volunteer near a chair so I could sit occasionally) smiley - smiley

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 39


How do you find out the results, Hyp? Does it get on TV? Do you have a swingometer?

Worry Pace Fidget

Post 40

Phred Firecloud

Reading and drinking don't mix....we need a PSA...and a mascot...maybe a duck...

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