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Don' worry...Be happy

Post 101


No smiley - huh...quite a long walk anyway smiley - winkeye

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 102

Lady Chattingly

Hmmmm..........Point taken. The walk would be too far with my bum knee. smiley - erm Must think of another way to get there.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 103


Well how about being transported very slowly and gently by two winged guardian angels just inches about the sea and ground? Our press(ious) future Pope could surely do that. smiley - biggrin

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 104

Lady Chattingly

As long as they are guardian smiley - angelsmiley - angel

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 105

Hickory Daiquiri Duck

How about this:
We build a bridge across the pond.

Reminds me of a joke...

Some guy did something to earn a fantastic reward from the Almighty. Jesus appeared to him and in the fine tradition of the genies, granted our hero a wish.

'I'd like to visit Hawaii, but I can't abide either flying or sailing. Could you build a bridge?'

'Sorry, the engineering challenges are insurmountable. Do you know how deep that ocean is? Please think of something else.'

'OK, I'd like to be able to understand my wife, then.'

'...Hmmm. OK. Let's you want two or four lanes on that bridge?'

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 106


tartaronne, in my state municipal library districts are independent political subdivisions of the state. This means that we have our own tax that has nothing to do with the city or county. But tax increases have to be approved by the voters. Which they did, thankfully. smiley - smiley

When I'm Pope, I will take some of the Vatican's hidden hoard of goodies in the cellar vaults, sell them and buy a large cruise ship. I shall name it the HHS Possum Bluff. smiley - evilgrin I'll pick up Lady C and Lil (and anyone else who prefers ships to airplanes) in Corpus Christie.

There will be some major changes made in Vatican City, I can promise you. smiley - angel For one thing, I'll need a Vice Pope. And a sheep I can trust.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 107


And there will be ducks in the Vatican Library. smiley - biggrin

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 108

Hickory Daiquiri Duck

Woo-hoo! smiley - runsmiley - somersaultsmiley - booksmiley - weirdsmiley - drunk

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 109

Lady Chattingly

Let's hear it for the duck and the sheep! I might be able to cruise on a ship over there...........I said "Might".

A bridge would be better. Lord C and I could drive our big old Grand Marquis over there then--of course that is provided we could find a gas station somewhere along the route..........
smiley - whistlesmiley - somersaultsmiley - runsmiley - zoom

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 110


Don't worry, there's plenty of sheep in the Vatican. Priests always refer to their 'flock', and I believe to Christ as the 'shepherd'.

As for a Vice Pope, I'd rethink the Vice thing. Maybe Deputy Pope, or Asst Pope? Vice and the Papacy don't mix very well smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 111


Hmmmmmmmm. I suppose Deputy Pope would sound better. Thanks Jodes. smiley - smiley

Better a flock of sheep I suppose than a flock of birds. A shepherd in the field surrrrounded by little woolly critters is more pleasing than an Alfed Hitchcock scenario with thousands of angry starlings bombing everyone.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 112


Not quite as exciting though.

smiley - blacksheep

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 113


I've always thought the pastoral scene was a bit misleading. I mean, think about what they do with the sheep? Why make it all look so gentle and benign? And when you think of the symbology, you have the good shepherd - god - taking care of his sleep - us. Which means exploit us for our wool and then heartlessly slaughter us and consume our flesh.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 114


smiley - rolleyes So what would you replace the sheep with?

*waits for Hyp to sneak back in to remove 'L'*

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 115


Cats. More apt as a metaphor for independent-minded people.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 116

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

Yep, being a church minister (which I'm not!) is often likened to herding cats! smiley - silly

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 117


I saw an advert on TV a few years back which showed an old Western trail drive, but with cats instead of cattle. I forget what the ad was for, but the image is indelible in my mind.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 118

Lady Chattingly

Indelible? I'll bet it is! Since herding cats would be almost impossible! smiley - cats are very independent creatures. They would be running the Vatican if they were there. smiley - lovesmiley - cats

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 119


I've heard that there are parts of Rome that the cats already control.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 120


Also, I notice that some damned monkeys are taking control in Delhi.

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