Xantief of Ulfland

I'm a fiftyish dude on the Left coast of north America, a Californiac, as it were. I'm basically a dreamer, and aside from my abiding enthusiasm for barbecue, I am proud to say that I do not subscribe to any American stereotype. Even though I look like an ageing hippie biker...kind of like, Dead-head*...Merde, there goes my proud claim...do you REALLY want to see my ugly mug?

My name here -- Xantief -- was lifted from Jack Vance's 'Ecce and Old Earth', book 2 of 'The Cadwal Chronicles'.

I would describe my mental state as being willingly lost in a Vance trilogy. 'Lyonesse', specifically.

I enjoy good fiction, good (instrumental, mostly) music, good beer, good friends, good scenery, hot days, barbecue, history, philosophy, kayaking, and inspired madness.

I dislike telephones, electronic noises, any kind of ringtone, and people who are overly loud for no real reason. So tell me, , would that automatically qualify me to be a Librarian?

Unfortunately, I lack the organizational skills necessary for the job, so I'm a computer equipment technician instead. I'm good at finding lost springs and screws. And I must say, I'm no slouch with a swiss army knife.


An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
-- HL Mencken

The philosopher's profoundest conviction is that which he is most reluctant to express, lest he mislead.
-- Ambrose Bierce

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
-- Mark Twain

I have made at worst some neat, precise and joyous little tales which prevaricate tenderly about the universe and veil the pettiness of human nature with screens of verbal jewelwork. It is not the actual world they tell about, but a vastly superior place where the Dream is realized and everything which in youth we knew was possible comes true. It is a world we have all glimpsed, just once, and have not ever entered, and have not ever forgotten.
-- James Branch Cabell


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