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Don' worry...Be happy

Post 121

Lady Chattingly

I've heard that Minerva smiley - cat controls Hyp's place. She even types. smiley - cat

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 122


...And swine in D.C.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 123

Lady Chattingly

What? No swine smiley? Guess I'll have to agree with you in words,X.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 124


Then there are the turkeys in Whitehall.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 125


And chickens in Parliament. ^.~

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 126


smiley - laugh

Dare I mention the jackasses in Congress?
Or the loons in the UN?

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 127


Trent Lott, former US Senate Majority Leader and probable racist had a memoir called "Herding Cats" which I failed to read.

The asses in Congress? Not many of them right now. Will be more soon though smiley - zen

smiley - blacksheep

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 128

Spaceechik, Typomancer

*joins the conga line, solo...*

Hyp, hyp, hooray!! Hypatia for Pope! smiley - laugh

I wish you could send Los Angeles whatever you put in the drinking water there, so *we* could have our libraries upgraded. smiley - envy

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 129


Belated congrats Hyp. rushes off to join end of the conga line hoping they are still dancing.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 130

Lady Chattingly

Isn't it exciting? New money for the library! smiley - bubbly It's five o'clock somewhere.........smiley - stiffdrink

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 131

Researcher 198131

Seems to be a rather large jackass in the whitehouse at the moment. smiley - evilgrin

smiley - elf

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 132


And a poodle at No.10 Downing Street.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 133


But how can we get rid of them they are totally impervious to any hint of criticism.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 134

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - wow A Utopian Jackass in the White House (didn't know they came in that flavour smiley - winkeye)

I followed a link posted in the Forum and smiley - yikes look where I got to:
"I think it's real simple to say [Bush] is a liar. But that would also suggest there was a reality that he understood," explained Hersh. "I'm serious. It is funny in sort of a sick, black humor sort of way, but the real serious problem is, he believes what he's doing." In effect, Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and the other neocons are "idealists, you can call them utopians."

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 135

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Re the Vatican, Hypatia, will you form an organization for lay people called Ozark Dei?

Argh! No, I can't take Bush/Cheney at this hour of the morning. The Clowns from Hell.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 136

Lady Chattingly

IMHO, Lil is right. I can't face the "Clowns from Hell" this early either.

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 137

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - blush Sorry, I forgot about the time difference - It was 1pm when I posted so I was well able to meet the Jackass/Clown subject head on smiley - winkeye

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 138


>>Ozark Dei<< smiley - bigeyes

smiley - rofl

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 139


Bravo, Lil. smiley - laugh And years from now someone will write a best seller about the organization called "The Hillbilly Code".

Don' worry...Be happy

Post 140


I'm in agreement on the clowns from hell in the morning. Bad mood, guaranteed.

Ozark Dei...I hear banjo music in the background.

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