Journal Entries

Internet Shopping, What a waste of Time!

I have never brought anything over the internet, I've been quite caucious of it really smiley - erm

And today has proved to me I had good reason!

On Thursday I ordered some polish for my violin, (violin's should only be polished twice a year and then only with the recommended polish, they should just normally be cleaned with a soft cloth to wipe away any residue rosin from the wood and strings, after being played)

Today the package arrived

I opened said package

and to my surprise inside was two bottles of valve oil, for trumpets smiley - erm I checked the despatch note, which came with the two bottles of valve oil, and it quite clearly stated that I had ordered Violin polish. smiley - erm This leads me to believe that who ever packed the parcel cannot read, since OIL and POLISH are quite different and very hard to mix up smiley - erm

So I shall now go back to walking into town and doing my shopping like normal people. No new fangled arty farty internet shopping for me in future!

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2006

It's offical I'm very strange


I was messing around with stuff and sorting things out, when I came across my Violin.

Yes, yes one of my many talents is that I can make a Violin sound excatly like a cat being strangled smiley - erm

Anyhoo I opened up the case and it suddenly dawned on me how beautiful that instrument is, I mean perfectly beautiful, lovely cherry coloured would, wonderful lines and when played correctly with the right touch, can sing like an smiley - angel *sighs*

you see, you see how strange I am, all I did was open a violin case and I got all arty farty smiley - rolleyes

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Latest reply: Apr 24, 2006

A great Quote

From Anothony Kiedis singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers

He was talking about the use of anti-depressants, He stated that he doesn't agree with it and that depression is a part of life, and how you need to accept that rather than expecting a pill to alter your chemistry as that just acts as a tempory Band-Aid. All you're doing is messing your heads chemistry up even worse. He goes on to say that anti-depressants are "a real cop-out by the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry."

I have to say it's not very often stars talk sense, but I fully agree with him, I've not posted the quote in full as I wasn't sure if it would be pulled.

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2006

Moving, keep on Moving

So although I've still not managed to shift all of my stuff the move has gone quite well and has been for the most part stress free. smiley - disco

I'm really tired though, have no idea why, probably strange bed in new environment syndrome smiley - erm

Anyhoo, only bad thing is this house is much bigger than my little bungalow and I'm freezing all the time, to the extent that I have to have two duvets on the bed to keep me snug and warm smiley - brr as there is only central heating downstairs.

so now I've bored you to death with my move, you may now go about you're normal Sunday business and hopefully find something more exciting smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2006

Too much of a good thing

ok so yesterday someone brought me a bottle of wine

it was Marks and spencers Woodhaven chardonay at it's 13 and a half percent! smiley - bigeyes

So I'm quite tired had a busy day at work but promised at friend I'd hang around for them, so I decided to crack open the wine, to help me stay awake.

Talked to friend for a while, then decided to ring Jack smiley - loveblush, by that time I was well bladdered haveing drank most of the wine.

Jack being the graceful person that he is put up with my drunken ramblings and giggled a lot at me as I remember, then because I was dropping in and out of sleep Jack (I think) read me a story.

Now I woke up at around 1.30ish am, the phone was on loud speaker but slient. My brooze addled brain told me that the phone was slient because Jack had gone to the toilet *giggles* and in that case I should go too. As I got up I picked up my moblie then left it on the window sill outside the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom I suddenly couldn't remember what I'd done with my mobile (on the window sill thicko!) When I got back to the house phone I realised Jack wasn't there so figured I had fallen to sleep and him putting the phone down is what had woken me up.

Jack had infact hung up on my snoring over an hour before and was now himself in the land of nod smiley - winkeye So I thought to my drunken self "I know I'll ring Jack he'll know where my phone is" great logic that smiley - laugh of course Jack never answered. Just at that moment (I always keep my pc on) I heard a ding and saw that batty had logged on, again my drunken logic kicked in "I know I'll get Batty to ring it" (please bear in mind that my phone is always on vibrate only smiley - bigeyes) so I logged on and like a good friend she rang it for me "any help" she said "No" I replied, "it's on vibrate" smiley - laugh

Then I had a brain wave! I suddenly remembered I'd put it on the window sill outside the bathroom!!!! smiley - rofl How thick am I when I'm Pi$$ed?

So sorry to all for last night, I promise I won't do it again smiley - blush

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2006

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