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A bit of a kerfuffle
Posted Mar 27, 2006
Over this
"People who "attempt suicide" (i.e. do something stupid that doesn't kill them) generally fall into two categories: people who really did want to die, but weren't smart enough to think of a reliable method (e.g. people who jump from second storey windows and end up breaking their back/legs/whatever but surviving, people who slit their wrists and then telephone a friend/ambulance/Samaritans, people who take an overdose of a drug that will take days to kill them), and people who had no intention whatever of dying but simply couldn't think of any other way of getting another human being to pay them the kind of attention they want. The latter is commonly referred to as a "cry for help", and is a really deeply selfish act, far more so than a successful suicide is. Personally I'd like to live in a society where there IS capital punishment, but the only crime it's applied to is threatening or attempting suicide."
I had years of tourchure, from my mother, sometimes weekly, monthly sometimes just everynow and again, Now he is wrong about capitol pushiment (the person who's orginal post it is) but no-one thinks about how these "crys for help" effect other people, having your mother ring you day in and day out telling you she is topping herself and just how she is going to do it is not fun, Then having your father on the other end telling you not to call an ambluance and if she really wants to do it I should let her do it, is not fun at all!, and when she did it for real, no one knew a f**king thing, and you know why? Because that time she wasn't attention seeking!
cry for help my @rse!
I'm blazing about all these bl**dy people who haven't a clue because they have never been on the recieving end of it! God I'm pi$$ed off, "oh well depression this and depression that" Pull yourself to f**king gether! there is no excuse for that kind of behavoiur!
there is no excuse for emointionally blackmailing a person like that! and to be honest I think docs just dole out the "depression" card when they get sick of hyprocondiacs.
So bring it on do-gooders! Tell me how wrong I am, and how right my mother was to put me through all that cr@p! Because of course she had a right, she'd carried me for 9 months and put up with the pain of labour, so of course I got everything I deserved there!
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Latest reply: Mar 27, 2006
Dear Mr Fortuneswell
Posted Mar 25, 2006
We are please to announce that you have one a fantabulous prize in our super duper prize draw
*gets all excited unon reading this*
You have won one of our supioer prizes
You are our 4th Lucky winner
*get on with it tell me what I've one*
Tin of spaggetti
Just my luck
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Latest reply: Mar 25, 2006
Another case of the random blurtings
Posted Mar 17, 2006
yes I've done it again
as Jack was telling me all about his day yesterday and finished speaking, I rounded it off with "and then you chose different coloured nail varnish with me" I know
Jack bless him chose to ignore it and carry on but it filtered through my sleep induced head what I'd just said, so I pulled him up on it.
Much laughing later, it was all sorted, in my defense I'd like to say:
A) I'd had this very clear vision (daydream?) of Jack painting my toe nails different colours and asking me what I thought, and it was very realistic and clear
B) I need my Jab of B12 so I'm really very very tired
C) Jack has a lovely relaxing voice that could relax the most uptight person and send them off into a blissfull sleep
D) Do you think that Jack is really secretly hypnotising me? answers on a postcard please
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Latest reply: Mar 17, 2006
Posted Mar 14, 2006
Sometimes I would like to scream and shout
But I don't
Sometimes I would like to kick up a fuss
But I don't
Sometimes I would like to cry Me Me Me
But I don't
Sometimes I'd like to go where its dark
But I don't
Sometimes I'd like not to accept the blame
But I don't
Sometimes I'd like to feel the sun on my face
And maybe I will
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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2006
I knew today was going to drag
Posted Mar 2, 2006
Those of you who know me will know why, and I have another to look forward to next month
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Latest reply: Mar 2, 2006
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