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Cal's Halloween Quiz
Posted Oct 19, 2006
So see if you can figure these spanish words and their meaning in English, No cheating! use of babel fish is not allowed, and use of Batty is not allowed either, although I'm sure she can be bribed for the right price
Un Fantasma
Un Vampiro
Un Disfraz
Una Bruja
Un Muerto Viviente
Un Esqueleto
Una Casa Encantada
Una Calavera
Una arana (there is an ~ accent over the N)
Una Calabaza
un Murcielago (accent over the e)
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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2006
Cal and Scott bot put the world to rights
Posted Oct 9, 2006
So I get up at my normal 6.30ish am this morning, now my fellow conspiritor and charge normally does not wake until 7.30 but this morning he was sitting by his door waiting my arrival.
Since he was up anyway I took him in the bathroom and sat him on the toilet while I had a quick shower. Whislt there Scott decided to talk about the country's politics what was wrong with the world in general (apparently there are not enough chocolate buscuits) and how he would rectify all of these problems.
He had not finished there, once I'd cleaned his teeth and washed his face he then decided to go on about the price of Gas and how because it was so high no-one was using it and now the Gas companies had loads of surplus and no where to store it.
Over breakfast and a crafty chocolate buscuits (apparently the shortage has not yet hit our household) we talked about parents and the lack of disapline where children are concerned .
And last but not least whilst dressing he gave his opinion on the current book I'm reading (HOly Blood Holy Grail)and Jesus Christ in general.
And to round it all off, he drew a cat and did a little dance when Snow patrol came on the telly.
Well what can I say, all this before 8.00am
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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2006
Didja' ever get one of them days?
Posted Oct 4, 2006
'Didja' ever get one of them days, boys
Didja' ever get one of them days
When nothin' is right
From mornin' to night
Didja' ever get one of them days, boys
Didja' ever get one of them days'
Well I'm having one right now and it's only wednesday!!!!!
Thank god I have friday off is all I can say
but today I have had a bit of a learning curve 'Some people need to feel puffed up and self important'
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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2006
Cal Catches a burgler!!
Posted Sep 29, 2006
yes well there I was this morning loading myself up with extra stong coffee in the false hope of it waking me up, when I hear strange noises comming from the conservatory.
Well thinks I is this my long lost relatives come to pick me up I think you earthlings like to term it as an abduction
nice ride on a
I don't know what your all moaning about!
Anyhoo all of a sudden this head pops round the door, and it was any of my friends, I don't quite know who was more surprised me or him. With animal speed and grace (of course I'm lying I almost tripped over the coffee table and gave my shin a very hard knock
) I leaped over the coffee table and made a grab for our
friend taking him down in a rugby tackle that The Lions would be proud of.
maybe I should try out for them.
Then I sat on top of him (me 13 stone 6ft 4" sitting on top of a bloke who was so skinny he was all skin and bone, it's a wonder he could breathe) while I called the police.
Police turned up 10 mins later (rather good for them I thought, I wasn't rather concerned that I was going to have to sit like that for a good half hour)and took said into custody.
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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2006
Cal finding the end of his teather
Posted Sep 22, 2006
Today I rang the doctors
(please note that names have been changed to protect the innocent)
Me: Can I speak to Doc Holiday please
Receptionist (Here after, shall be known as the Battleaxe): What is it about
Me: what I've been seeing him about
Battleaxe: Which is?
Me: None of your business
Battleaxe: I'm sorry if you won't tell me what it's about then I can't put you through.
Me: *sighs* I've had a chest infection for a month which has been creating all sorts of problems and now I'm phyiscally exhusted!
Battleaxe: She can't talk to you now she'll be in surgery until half past five you'll have to ring back then
Me of so you were just being nosey then!
Battleaxe: I beg your pardon?
Me: you were just being nosey when you asked me what the call was about because you already knew you weren't going to put me through to her
Battleaxe: really we don't have to put up with such rudeness
Me: and paitents do?
Click! then I hear the soft hum of a discontected line *sighs* these things are sent to try us and try us they will.
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Latest reply: Sep 22, 2006
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