This is a Journal entry by Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

A great Quote

Post 1

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

From Anothony Kiedis singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers

He was talking about the use of anti-depressants, He stated that he doesn't agree with it and that depression is a part of life, and how you need to accept that rather than expecting a pill to alter your chemistry as that just acts as a tempory Band-Aid. All you're doing is messing your heads chemistry up even worse. He goes on to say that anti-depressants are "a real cop-out by the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry."

I have to say it's not very often stars talk sense, but I fully agree with him, I've not posted the quote in full as I wasn't sure if it would be pulled.

A great Quote

Post 2

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Both my mum and I agree that Anti Depressants are handed out like sweets by Dr's. I had a bout of it when I was pregnant and luckily my doc decided AD's were too risky and sent me to Mental Health Dept where I talked it all out and that helped a lot. Unfortunatly the second, more serious, bout I was given AD's with a promise that I would be on them for only 6 months, A year later I weened myself off them and it's not a process I'd wish on anyone, occational when things get on top of me I tale Natracalm or something like it but I haven't needed them since christmas.

A couple of years ago I saw a Panorama programme about the dishing out of AD's, there is a warehouse in the North somewhere that is stacked floor to ceiling with repeat Anti Depressant prescription. Doctors can't be a$$ed to find the cause of depression and treat it accordingly with therapy or the likes so they just fill out the prescription and keep doing it again and again until you're hooked

A great Quote

Post 3

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I think for the most part Doctors have stoped treating people if you know what I mean

A great Quote

Post 4

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I do unfortunatly, mine seems to be ok. I also think they get pressured by drug companies too

A great Quote

Post 5


I agree. And, I think it goes much farther than just anti depressants.

If you didn't know, I work in a natural food store. Many times people come in saying that their doctor would only give them prescription after prescription and they still felt bad or even worse and they are ready to try other things to help themselves.

A great Quote

Post 6


I had to take ADs while they sussed out things with me and I have to say I was happy for it. My sitch was a bit different in that the cancer and subsequent removal of my thyroid mucked with my hormone levels so much that I found myself unable to get myself under control. As soon as they figured out the proper cocktail of synthetic hormones (and let me tell you the trial and error of it was something else!) to replace my now nonexistent thyroid I was able to slowly come off the ADs and now, even when things can be really bad, I don't need them.

I believe there are valid reasons for taking ADs, but like you all I also believe they are being handed out in lieu of actual treatment for the underlying causes. In a case like mine the underlying cause was medical, which threw my whole body out of whack, and something had to be done until they could fix it. But I think counselling in underused when the problem is really of an emotional nature and can be sussed out without the pills.

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