This is a Journal entry by Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Too much of a good thing

Post 1

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

ok so yesterday someone brought me a bottle of wine

it was Marks and spencers Woodhaven chardonay at it's 13 and a half percent! smiley - bigeyes

So I'm quite tired had a busy day at work but promised at friend I'd hang around for them, so I decided to crack open the wine, to help me stay awake.

Talked to friend for a while, then decided to ring Jack smiley - loveblush, by that time I was well bladdered haveing drank most of the wine.

Jack being the graceful person that he is put up with my drunken ramblings and giggled a lot at me as I remember, then because I was dropping in and out of sleep Jack (I think) read me a story.

Now I woke up at around 1.30ish am, the phone was on loud speaker but slient. My brooze addled brain told me that the phone was slient because Jack had gone to the toilet *giggles* and in that case I should go too. As I got up I picked up my moblie then left it on the window sill outside the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom I suddenly couldn't remember what I'd done with my mobile (on the window sill thicko!) When I got back to the house phone I realised Jack wasn't there so figured I had fallen to sleep and him putting the phone down is what had woken me up.

Jack had infact hung up on my snoring over an hour before and was now himself in the land of nod smiley - winkeye So I thought to my drunken self "I know I'll ring Jack he'll know where my phone is" great logic that smiley - laugh of course Jack never answered. Just at that moment (I always keep my pc on) I heard a ding and saw that batty had logged on, again my drunken logic kicked in "I know I'll get Batty to ring it" (please bear in mind that my phone is always on vibrate only smiley - bigeyes) so I logged on and like a good friend she rang it for me "any help" she said "No" I replied, "it's on vibrate" smiley - laugh

Then I had a brain wave! I suddenly remembered I'd put it on the window sill outside the bathroom!!!! smiley - rofl How thick am I when I'm Pi$$ed?

So sorry to all for last night, I promise I won't do it again smiley - blush

Too much of a good thing

Post 2


smiley - rofl

You swore me to secrecy and confess all!!!

Too much of a good thing

Post 3

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Did I? *giggles* I don't remember

Too much of a good thing

Post 4


Yup! *giggles*

Too much of a good thing

Post 5

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - rofl

Too much of a good thing

Post 6

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ah the stories of good ideas you have when bladdered. One night after a hefty night in the pubs of Devon I decided to take my shoes off and walk home barefoot in the rain, why?? because my feet were getting wet. It was a good idea at the time smiley - drunk

Too much of a good thing

Post 7

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - laugh I must admit I like drunk logic, it's much more fun than the normal kind

Too much of a good thing

Post 8


smiley - rofl We all have those moments of drunken brilliance.... the really bad ones are usually blacked out, thank goodness.. smiley - winkeye

Too much of a good thing

Post 9


I have this friend who makes this much(or little) sense sober. I'd be happy to introduce any of you to her.

Too much of a good thing

Post 10


smiley - laugh I think I've heard stories of her.

Too much of a good thing

Post 11

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Does it mean we'll all have to get drunk to understand her? smiley - bigeyes

Too much of a good thing

Post 12


Batty, yes you have heard about her.

This friend promised that if I locked her in a room with any reasonably sane person she would have the other person screaming to be let out in five minutes or less.

Cal, if you understand her while sober, you may need a drink to recover.

Too much of a good thing

Post 13

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

smiley - whistle I NEVER take advantage of this sort of situation

Too much of a good thing

Post 14

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

you said I snore </>

Too much of a good thing

Post 15

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - laugh Batty sent me the conversation I had with her, whilst I was under the influance, which I have to say is incredably funny but unfortunatley will not make it past the profanity filter on here smiley - rofl oh such a same you're missing that smiley - winkeye

Too much of a good thing

Post 16


It certainly made me giggle... I was tempted to leave a funny message on your voicemail but I restrained myself. smiley - winkeye

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