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Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2781


*all evil Homer clones explode.*

ok, that's all out parrots's in site gone kaboom. now, where do we go from here?

where do we go, what can we do?
we've lost my parot Homer, and i really need the loo.
i can't turn on the TV, or i'll see a Pikachu,
what can i do? what can i do?

the clones are gone but what does that leave me?
the parrot search ain't over, but Homer we cannot see,
soon this whole thread, will become part of h2g2 history,
but it's not easy, it's not easy!!!!!!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2782

Oot Rito

Australian authorities find drugs on a N. Korean ship, ship's captain flies away. The only clue to the parrot's identity is a green feather.

Crew claim the parrot highjacked the boat just off the coast of Thailand. When roaring drunk (most of the time), the parrot would tell extravagent tales about Bangkok and Tesco's. The crew have requested asylum in Luton.

Parrot thought to have British connections. Any persons with knowledge of this parrot are request to contact their nearest police station or, if outside the UK, the nearest UK consultate.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2783

Oot Rito

You don't think that could be.....

No, Homer wouldn't.....

btw: Do the clones know about Testco's....

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2784

Oot Rito

You don't think that could be.....

No, Homer wouldn't.....

btw: Do the clones know about Testco's....

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2785

Hermi the Cat

Aren't the clones all dead?
smiley - cat

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2786

Oot Rito

Oh dear,

If it's not the clones.... it could be

No, no, surely Homer wouldn't do something like that.. or would be?

I do so hope spook took out third-party liability insurance for the parrot.... I've just heard about a weird bird wrecking havoc in Raffles in Singapore.... he calls himself the pirat parrot and has crumby wings

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2787


Good progress chaps, over a quarter of the way there!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2788

Existential Elevator

Hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go....

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2789


i don't think homer is causing havoc. i think the trouble we may be having is with...

Hamer Impersonators and Homer's Stunt Doubles!smiley - yikes

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2790

Oberon2001 (Scout)

You're right. Who knows what terrible havoc they might inflict on us...

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2791


i'm scared!smiley - sadface

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2792

Private Gorgon Philosopher of the Cone


*defeats evil clone while sorting out his nails*
*defeats all things spook is scared of*
*finds parrot and quasimojo and brings them to thread

so who is gonna add me to their frineds list so i can add them?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2793


smiley - erm, the clones are all did, what did you kill?

*stunt double falls out of air*

oh, and Quasimojo and the parrot are still lost. that yoy are holding is commonly known s a cardboard cut-out!smiley - winkeye

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2794

Private Gorgon Philosopher of the Cone

anyone wana see quasimojo's pen
it writes blue but leaks green ink over your hands
*shows pen*

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2795


*shoots pen with phaser.*

evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smiley - yikes

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2796

Private Gorgon Philosopher of the Cone

its quasimojo's weird pen how could you do that spook?
just cuz it doesnt like you

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2797

Oot Rito

Channel shipping diverted to avoid havoc-wrecking pirate parrots....

All ferries to France go via Panama Canal, down, up again, through Suez and arrive in Marseille.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2798

Schrödinger's Cat-flap

I was taking a lunch break from my studying... it was an ordinary lunch break; I was just sitting there eating sandwiches, listening to loud music. I heard a splash from outside-

Quasimojo came to Bangkok too! And stole my pet terrapin!

smiley - wah

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2799

Schrödinger's Cat-flap

(ps I'll add you! I like having friends. Who else can I add?)

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2800

Oot Rito

I hope your terrapin doesn"'t have any bandit tendancies...

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