Who is Hermi the Cat?
This elusive feline reclines daily in a rural home in southern Wisconsin, US. Her human pets strive to meet her needs, one of which is this communication with the world -- something Sue assists her with as Hermi has declined learning to type.
Pets, of course have personalities and jobs -- Hermi insists that all of her pets pull their own weight. Sue works for a non-profit trade organization and spends a great deal of time training others, working with computers (but not as a programmer -- God forbid!), creating, designing and project managing a variety of things. Gordy, Hermi's other pet is a cabinet-maker and custom carpenter. Both, of course, adore Hermi with all their hearts and barely tolerate the other two barn-cats Hermi allows to reside with her.
Personalities are much more than jobs although jobs can indicate a little about personalities. Sue likes to consider, research and discuss subjects that she doesn't necessarily encounter on a daily basis at her job. She particularly enjoys issues of religion and faith as they relate to Christianity. She also spends a great deal of time reading. Her favorite genre is SciFi.
Sue's a pretty happy person but has experienced some tragedies that may bring out the occasional dark humor. Of course that fits in well here on the hootoo. Hermi (and Sue) are pretty bad about visiting on a regular basis, but if you post, eventually you should get a reply. It will be prompt in cat-time.
Finally, if you want to know more about my servant, she blogs at http://inanesue.blogspot.com/;" >http://inanesue.blogspot.com/; Twitter: gordyandsue
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Why 42 ? | Feb 15, 2007 |
Hermi's Chrimbo pressie! | Dec 30, 2003 |
Where's the catnip pudding gone ? | Sep 17, 2003 |
hello Hermi | Jul 31, 2003 |
Impressive... | Mar 13, 2003 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Uniforms | Feb 28, 2006 | Jun 30, 2011 |
Old main page | Nov 18, 2009 | Feb 3, 2010 |
Umm I show I like people by giving them things | Jan 22, 2010 | Feb 3, 2010 |
Theeditors can't have been good | No Posting | Dec 14, 2009 |
Why do women teach men? | Aug 29, 2003 | Apr 3, 2009 |
Hermi the Cat
Researcher U218413
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