This is the Message Centre for spook

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2801

Schrödinger's Cat-flap

I don't think it does. You never know...

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2802

Oot Rito

Well, the parrot used to be a mild, friendly bird but he's come under some bad influences....

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2803


The parrot enjoyed his long break
apart from one major earthquake.
But he thought he had done
Californian sun
and had heard of a trip he could take.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2804


It was quite a long flight out to sea
So he packed lots of snacks for his tea.
While still over the ocean
he got the odd notion
that all of this water was free.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2805


One could probably live on a boat
or construct a good nest which would float.
With some desalination
and market creation
he could make a million and gloat.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2806


smiley - laugh -- best one yet, SEF!

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2807


But these reveries came to an end
as he landed and had to attend
to the girls with the leis
who were so full of praise
for the daring exploits he had penned.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2808


For it seemed that his fame had now spread
far and wide as his postcards were read
and their contents repeated,
augmented, deleted
and otherwise changed what they said.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2809


These reports had been sent far and wide
leaving very few places to hide.
Right here on Hawaii
were fans who knew why he
had started and all that he'd tried.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2810


Schrödinger's Cat-flap - you can add me to your fiends list!smiley - smiley

*continues search for parrot*

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2811

Existential Elevator


Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2812


what was that sound?

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2813


It sounded a bit like a parrot. But it could be a parakeet, or a macaw...


Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2814


Though they welcomed him in as a guest
they weren't able to help with his quest
as not one had a passion
for this futon fashion
but could make a nice palm leaf nest.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2815

Existential Elevator

*attempts to make a palm tree nest*

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2816


Come on... come on... 4

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2817


That first night the fame went to his head
and he never quite made it to bed.
He got sick as a parrot
on pineapple, carrot
and coconut cocktails instead.

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2818


Come on... come on... 3

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2819


Come on... come on... 3

Target: 10,000 Posts Of Nonsense

Post 2820



(you don't know how long i've been waiting to say that!)

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