My Rock
The RockIt's quite a comfortable rock, and I don't get too cold at night.
So I had to wait for my doom...
Until my rescue by Crusader and Anonymouse...
1Please don't copy the picture. It is copyrighted, although not by me!2Which may well be true, but I wouldn't go around saying that sort of thing, would you?
The Waters of Tyne
"I cannot get to my love if I would de'e,The waters of Tyne run between him and me.
And here I must sit with a tear in my e'e,
Both sighing and dying my sweetheart to see.
O where is the boatman, my bonny hinny?
O where is the boatman? Bring him to me,
To ferry me over the Tyne to my honey
And I will remember the boatman and thee.
O where is the boatman? I'd give any money,
And you for your trouble rewarded will be,
To ferry me over the Tyne to my honey
Or scull him across that rough water to me."
- The Waters of Tyne, traditional English Folksong
And as I sit, I may smile from time to time... and maybe even write an entry

Feel free to Email me, I like mail!
Visited these people?Now you have stopped by my rock, you should go and visit the people who have been nice to me.
They are: Bluebottle, webrunner, Eomando, Dancing Ermine, Spanner, and Crusader.
Lots of ACEs have also been nice to me: Sporkulious Eglon, monsy, Anonymouse, Fairly Strange (ACE), TV's Frink, Dr E Vibenstein, Joanna, Demon Drawer.
People sharing the journey
Because I am curious about all the other people out there.
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Your h2g2 Nickname | Mar 28, 2002 |
Strangest things | Jun 18, 2000 |
I don't believe in e-mail. | Apr 25, 2000 |
I don't believe in ACEs. | Apr 22, 2000 |
Rescue | Mar 9, 2000 |
Researcher U110542
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