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I don't believe in ACEs.
Andromeda Posted Feb 4, 2000
I still don't believe in them, but now I'm worrying myself by conversing with myself.
I don't believe in ACEs.
J'au-æmne Posted Feb 7, 2000
don't be distressed, Andromeda, the ACEs didn't believe in me either, the only one to visit my page was Peregrin, and only then I think because I posted his guestbook!
I believe in you!
I don't believe in ACEs.
Demon Drawer Posted Feb 8, 2000
I wouldn't bother you've found enough friends alredy, they'll get around to you eventually. Although I have meet three of them.
I don't believe in ACEs.
Andromeda Posted Feb 11, 2000
I'm sorry if I've been responsible for the death of ACEs, as a mythical character myself I should have appreciated your feelings on having your existance denied
Thank you for coming by my rock, do you have any suggestions about decorating it? I think I may be here for a while.
I don't believe in ACEs.
msmonsy Posted Feb 11, 2000
well, this rock seems to have personality so i might suggest a bucket of paint, some glitter and a few could make it quite the conversation piece
I don't believe in ACEs.
Researcher 99947 Posted Feb 11, 2000
Never underestimate the effects of pastels and scrap metal... simply stunning, side by side.
I don't believe in ACEs.
Demon Drawer Posted Feb 11, 2000
She probably just getting over the shock you guys have had on her belief system. I think she needs a stiff |_| of something to recover. Nice of you guys to make it though.
I don't believe in ACEs.
Anonymouse Posted Feb 12, 2000
My goodness, no Aces? But I could have sworn I'd been here before, because I thought the page was lovely!
Perhaps I saw so much activity that I thought you didn't need me.. *sniffles*
ACEs are real and I've met SIX!
J'au-æmne Posted Feb 13, 2000
*I* never had all these ACEs come visit!
*pretends, not very successfully, to look jealous*
ACEs are real and I've met SIX!
Anonymouse Posted Feb 13, 2000
*smiles up at Androm* Okay!
Joanna, I was beginning to think you -were- and Ace-in-disguise.
ACEs are real and I've met SIX!
Demon Drawer Posted Feb 13, 2000
No she like me is just an ACE in waitnig, we practice the noble art in the hope of eventual recognition. Plus we are online so much that eventually all our active threads dry up so to keep things moving check on the newcomers.
ACEs are real and I've met SEVEN!
J'au-æmne Posted Apr 18, 2000
I enjoy them lots, thanks Andra...
Isn't it wierd when a forum comes back to life...
*looks thoughtful*
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I don't believe in ACEs.
- 1: Andromeda (Feb 3, 2000)
- 2: Andromeda (Feb 3, 2000)
- 3: Andromeda (Feb 4, 2000)
- 4: J'au-æmne (Feb 7, 2000)
- 5: Andromeda (Feb 8, 2000)
- 6: Demon Drawer (Feb 8, 2000)
- 7: Researcher 99947 (Feb 11, 2000)
- 8: msmonsy (Feb 11, 2000)
- 9: Andromeda (Feb 11, 2000)
- 10: msmonsy (Feb 11, 2000)
- 11: Researcher 99947 (Feb 11, 2000)
- 12: Demon Drawer (Feb 11, 2000)
- 13: Anonymouse (Feb 12, 2000)
- 14: Andromeda (Feb 12, 2000)
- 15: J'au-æmne (Feb 13, 2000)
- 16: Anonymouse (Feb 13, 2000)
- 17: Demon Drawer (Feb 13, 2000)
- 18: J'au-æmne (Feb 13, 2000)
- 19: Andromeda (Apr 18, 2000)
- 20: J'au-æmne (Apr 18, 2000)
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