A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot


Post 181


*takes the case and opens his ammo bag*
Lets see... good. I brought some more ammo a while back smiley - smiley.

I've disabled SM - flashbangs are really good at close-range.


Post 182

njan (afh)

smiley - biggrin

just remember the plan. smiley - winkeye.. you should have some mail, Axe. smiley - angel


Post 183

Peter aka Krans

Guys... load up octiron bullets, and you'll probably be okay.

Octiron: highly magical metal, and should negate any advantage they may gain by using... magic swords.


Post 184


smiley - ok

*opens up his ammo bag and liberally fills it with octiron bullets from a barrel conveniently placed in the corner*


Post 185


I got the e-mail BTW smiley - smiley


Post 186


*happens to be breaking into h2g2 towers and looking around*

smiley - yikes The Starpilot Hotel Space Station's on Abi's desk (C649)!

That creates an interesting paradox. Maybe if I pick it up, CV'll get knocked out by a falling girder or something...

Not that I'd find that /amusing/. It'd be terrible!


Post 187

Peter aka Krans

Octiron bullets are expensive, so don't take too many smiley - winkeye

Maybe there should be a "Services" section for us to be in!


Post 188



*raises his finger from his shift key*


Post 189

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*the explosive locks blow off at the doors, leaving just enough air for the mercs to get to the escape pods* Guys, if your pods head towards the hotel, they will be shot down. Sorry I have to do this. This lock will be the new home of the Anti-Borg Resistance Movement, FYI. Consider this my resignation from the Mercenaries. *the war room goes into an uncontrollable spin which it could never recover from without a fission reactor on board, and the power goes out, leaving only red emergency lights*
[EVA-M] Attention. Please utilize escape pods immediately. Emergency. Message repeats...


Post 190



One, two three, four of us...

(intercom) Tripwire, Axe. Four to beam directly to bridge (F86300?thread=175574&post=2104360#p2104360 ).

Lets meet up there and discuss this: if CV gets near I'll grav-well him or something...

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