A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot


Post 141


Unfortunatly I got ME as well...



Post 142

Peter aka Krans

I'm sorry CV? You'll /let/ us do it next time? Is that what you said?


Post 143


*passes CV a shovel, then takes it back as he realises that CV's pretty good at digging his own holes*

I hope you guys aren't taking this /too/ seriously smiley - biggrin


Post 144

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*digs hole, puts titanium-reinforced barriers over top and on the sides and floor* *a small intercom box is integrated into the top* Krans, you know what I meant... Please don't kill me... smiley - grovel


Post 145

njan (afh)

*njan sticks a suspiciously cartoon-esque stick of TNT with the branding "acme" on the side in through the unprotected corner, lights it, and runs*


Post 146

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*stomps out the flame* *sticks his head out of the corner* I begged, didn't I? The next phase is shoot, which I really don't want to do... *protects corner* *point-defense lasers aim at Njan and Krans*


Post 147


*goes into solid-light mode and stands by Krans and Njan*

Now, where did I put those data connection cables for the point-lasers...


Post 148

Peter aka Krans

Data connection cables? smiley - huh You mean like the ones over there sticking out of your backpack?


Post 149

njan (afh)

*njan takes out a small handgun and shoots CV*

*the tranquiliser dart flies through the air, impacting with a **whump**, sailing straight through the energypresenceshield which has been erected around CV's cube by the GSV Incorrect Catachresis*


Post 150


Oh yeah...

smiley - biggrin

*walks over to the point-lasers, with his ID card out, which identifies him as a member of the Starpilot Hotel staff and overrides the point-laser's 'attack' mode*


*takes out the cables and begins wiring them into both the lasers and a small control device*


Post 151

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

The GSV is in orbit around the cantina, about 50LY away...
*CV is knocked out* *his Palm senses a chemical impurity in his blood, determines it's nature, and has a small box on his leg deliver the antidote* *wakes up groggily, with a bit of a smiley - hangover* Palm, disengage point defense lasers. Eject Messers Hopeson and Pephyr from the hotel, by any means necessary...


Post 152


[EVA] Command could not be completed. Computer systems are currently offline for maintainence.

[Axe] That's what you get for disabeling LS again. EVA goes into maintainence mode until it finishes integrity scanning smiley - biggrin.


Post 153

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Is this where we negotiate my terms for your surrender?

Joke. Where can I sign up? Although I must warn you , I'm a noble Knight and only do missions I deem worthy and just. Or if the money is good.


Post 154


Wait around until Krans or Njan turn up. They should be here later today.

*The UBS Tripwire IV appears from behind a dustcloud, but hovers there for the moment*

I'll be watching...

*Axe beams up to the TW, leaving Krans and Njan to destroy Venom*


Post 155

njan (afh)

Hmm.. as we get fuller and fuller, we're becoming more strict on who we want in. smiley - biggrin.. I think after one more person, we may cease hiring for a bit.

What exactly do you have to offer us?


Post 156


*wonders what else there is that we haven't got*

[EVA] Maintaince mode deactivated. CV defence systems deactivated. Mercenary personal offensive weaponry blocked in this area. Neutrality established. Please conduct your arguments in a buisnesslike manner. Thank you.


Post 157


*Axe beams down*

Please, don't ask questions about that. Now, talk properly!


Post 158

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Alright... Krans, Njan, I apologize for usurping your positions as Team Founders...


Post 159

JayPeeUK (3*2*8-8+3-1=42) (Retox)

So what happened about the pill?? Did you get in trouble Venom?


Post 160


Well, ATM I'm trying to stop him from getting killed by Krans + Njan. Hopefully they'll accept his apology (^^)

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