A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot


Post 81

njan (afh)

unofficial leader? I'm most upset. I was sure I was the leader. smiley - biggrin

I also do CQB, btw... and we should have another CQB person soon, which nicely rounds off our team... two snipers, support pilot, demolitions and heavy weapons (who, I'm sure, can share some sort of humvee or other ground-hugging, ridiculously over-armoured, box of metal)

...so we have heavy weapons for... well... brashness. smiley - winkeye... demolitions for buildings and other large things. Support is insanely useful, since it generally provides us with transport when we need to get in and out of places, and provides some sort of firepower to boot... snipers are a lovely hybrid of cover and stealth... and we two CQB people are pure stealth and guile. We like sneaking around and abseiling off things.

Any ideas for other roles we haven't yet filled? smiley - winkeye


Post 82


Field medics?


Post 83

njan (afh)

on the premises that we probably both won't need them, and that the GSV's watchful eye will provide an excellt casualty retreival and patching system should we need ot, I doubt we'll need any. (I hope)

Besides, I for one try, if possible, to use non-lethal weapons, so...


Post 84



And the Laws of Continuity say we can't get killed without our permission


Post 85

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Well, the standard mercenary kit should cover most minor injuries, and I've got medical facilities aboard the HV, and I'm sure there are some on the Tripwire (Axe's ship, currently being tested). Oh, and I'm not only support, I just slipped there because I have a few atmospheric craft and a very nice battlecruiser, so it works out. I believe you all understand I am proficient at anything a normal operative would be proficient with...


Post 86

njan (afh)

smiley - biggrin... the lovely thing about the mercenaries is, we're not normal operatives... *evil laugh*

no, but... smiley - biggrin

support's a good overall term. It means you support in any field we need support in. If that's lifts, you can give us lifts. Conversely, if we need another sniper, I'm sure you'll make a lovely sniper. smiley - winkeye


Post 87

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*points down to the target range in the Hanger, formerly a detention cell, where hs is blasting moderators into tiny pieces...*


Post 88

njan (afh)

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok


Post 89


Would we ever need more than two snipers though?

*points to Wargamer's shoulder, where one can still see a scar*


Post 90

njan (afh)

Probably not. smiley - winkeye


Post 91

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

It's still good to know that anyone on the team can pick up just about any gun in the galaxy and shoot it proficiently, if not perfectly.


Post 92

njan (afh)

*smiles and nods*

*plays with a .45 acp and waits for his next CQB opportunity. smiley - biggrin


Post 93


Now, we need to define a few things - what are we aiming for? Where do we go to get new missions? What is the answer to li... actually, I don't think we need to define that one smiley - biggrin.


Post 94

njan (afh)

We're aiming for money, nominally. But if anyone wants us to do anything /really/ unethical, we won't.

And people find us, we don't find them. We're a covert operations group - we don't advertise much. smiley - biggrin

...hopefully, we'll spread by word of mouth quite effectively based on how efficient our operations are.


Post 95


What exactly does 'really unethical' mean?


Post 96

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Well, everybody has their price. I suppose that "really unethical" regards breaking the LoC or not charging enough...


Post 97


Anyway, I've got another mission for us.

*opens his wallet and passes a folder to Njan*

'The Grotty Bar' (A728381)

Owner: Jimmy Jim Jimson the 3rd

Mission Type: General hassle, small explosions etc.

Client: Axe

Payment: The money inside a safe in the bar. I've got the location and can hack it.

Why?: Firstly, the owner is really annoying me. He has contravened the LoC, killed me a few times (which I stopped by turning into a hologram) etc. Also, he's assulted numerous Health and Safety officials. Finally, he's put my name down as a contributing researcher on the article, and the extra bytes to download on my personal page are annoying me smiley - silly.

Suggested Team Composition: 2 people, including me.

Please? I was going to go by myself, but I figured that things'd be better if a few of us went undercover or something.

And there's a lot of money in that safe smiley - winkeye.


Post 98

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

And, of course, as a mercenary yourself, you have a certain amount of priority... Accepted. We get three-quarters of the safe cash, of course...


Post 99

Peter aka Krans

Um... Njan? You are JOINT leader...

...and I'm up for this job.

Sorry I've not been around - revision. You know how it is smiley - winkeye


Post 100


Thanks. I'll start us off smiley - smiley.

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