A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot


Post 1

Flying Monkeys.....

So, wait, you are a bunch of online H2G2 fighters who do what you want to and when you want to? Am i missing a point here or what. If you can do whatever and whenever, why even need missions? Why bother havign alliances?

As you can see im very confused.....


PS... i cant type


Post 2

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

We can do what we want, and what we want is to do mercenary missions. And we DON'T have alliances, we can't by the nature of our organization. We attack anyone, and we attack our hirees back, so all we maintain are temporary associations. Now, if you have anything better to do than criticize new H2G2 groups and their web pages, I suggest you leave. And if you do have something better to do, I suggest you do so in the Negotiations forum below.


Post 3


Calm down CV.

One point that you seem to have missed is that (as in the Cat/Dog war) we're not solely motivated to win. We also want to have good time while we're doing it. The collective creativity of a group of people is far funnier that anything else that I can think of.

Have you ever played one of those games where you go round a group of people, and each one has to make a new sentence in an on-running story? H2G2 SF is a bit like that.

But it's down to personal taste. There's plenty of researchers who think it's boring, but some of us like it.

I hope that answers your questions,


Post 4

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Thanx axe, perhaps I was a bit hasty, but the SHSS has also been criticized and I like my entries and contributions to the community, and I take it a bit personally.


Post 5

Flying Monkeys.....

I', sorry. I did not mean to criticize. I was just being curious. It seemed so unique and just totally new. I wish you al lluck and sorry to bother, i guess.



Post 6

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Oh, no problem. I just am a little touchy, that's all. We are the fourth side in the Cat-Dog war, the third being the Dragons. Maybe you should go to the doghouse A601174 and read the Cat War Diary if you are interested in our environs. Be forewarned, it is long...


Post 7


>> We are the fourth side in the Cat-Dog war

This is starting to sound like the H2G2 Trilogy smiley - smiley.


Post 8

Flying Monkeys.....

Its war between people who like cats or dogs? (moslty it looks like peope against cats) I'm glad now that I don't own a pet and prefer sea horses.


Interesting though. I am not sure this is the sort of stuff found in a typical guide for anything, but it fits well here. Anyway, you guys(and girls for those who actually care) sound really cool.


Post 9

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

The Cat/Dog war is a kind of nebulous thing. It was started before H2G2 was part of the BBC. Cats and Cat supporters vs. Dogs and Dog supporters with Dragons and Mercenaries on the side... And it's completely voluntary and it's all for fun. The war isn't about winning, as Axe said, it's about what funny things can occur when the collective creativity of about twenty people is mixed together with almost no rules... It's fun, but can be time-consuming. Feel free to talk to any of our associates on either side if you are interested in joining. The leaders of the sides are Red Dog, So Easily Amused (aka sea), and Draco. The unoficcial mercenary leader is Njan, but we all technically are on equal terms. And, no, you don't find this particular thing in any normal guide, but the H2G2 isn't any normal guide...


Post 10


>> with almost no rules

*emphasises the "almost"*

We need to obey the Laws of Continuity, just to stop things from going totally off the rails.

BTW, does anyone know of a Beginners Guide to the Cat/Dog stuff and related stuff, only I'm thinking of making one...?


Post 11

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Both the ACF and Cat Induction Centers explain the Continuity Laws, and there is a Cat War Diary at the Doghouse, but I've never seen it condensed. I'd like to see one, and I'd gladly link to it from my Upage. Perhaps you could call it "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Cat War"...smiley - silly


Post 12



It'd probably be a good idea to explain the ** and notations as well. I'll try and find some time to do it smiley - smiley.


Post 13

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Well, yes, but don't make it sound like that's universal. My other RP group, through MSN-IM, uses ::action:: to signify action and (these things) to signify instead. However, interestingly enough, the [speaking from somewhere else] notations are the same... Hmm...


Post 14


I wouldn't. The title 'H2G2 Role Playing Syntax' sounds alright, if a bit technical.


Post 15

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*points to title above* Now you've switched from pedantic to verbose...


Post 16


I suppose I have. You might want to see my Maths. howework. I wrote about a half a page of comments for two statistics questions.

And then I decided to use ReallyLongPascalAndJavaScriptTypeNames for all of the variables smiley - biggrin.

I'm not kidding you either.


Post 17

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

You are crazy...


Post 18


That's what the person sitting next to me in class said


Post 19

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Crazy? I was crazy once... How's that coming, BTW?


Post 20


How's what coming?

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