A Conversation for Mercenary War Room on the Starpilot


Post 1

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*you speak into an intercom, with a qualified Mercenary service and sales representative on the other end*


Post 2

Commander Draco, Supreme Dragon Lord

So whats all this about major chaos at the dragonhouse? smiley - winkeye


Post 3

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Slips 1 mil credits of actually useful cash and offers of a place at the Haunted Castle.
*whisper* Practical jokes, only,please. Hit the Dragon House.smiley - devil


Post 4

Commander Draco, Supreme Dragon Lord

So whats going on?


Post 5

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*intercom crackles* No sooner said than done, coming right up, thank you for your business.


Post 6


*gets out his palm and wires the mic through to a loudspeaker*

(very loudly) WHAT'S GOING ON?


Post 7

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*the loudspeaker blows out* Draco, we have been hired by the dogs to cause general chaos to happen at your posting. You are able to hire us for the same purpose, and I don't like or hate you as a person as a result. Just business, you understand.


Post 8


Wait a minute...

*opens up the nearest maint. hatch with his access card*

*reappears on the other side of the intercom a few minutes later*

What's the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?


Post 9

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

42, are you daft? This is the H2G2 Mercenary Service Center, you shouldn't be here. Eva, create new security class: Conditional Acces Class 11-S. Set location: Mercenary Service Center class Secure Facilities. Set my security card to full 11-S access along with the mercenaries on file. Set SM's card for emergency conditional 11-S access. Apply changes.

[eva] Done, captain.


Post 10


Fine, can I join the mercenaries then?


Post 11

Commander Draco, Supreme Dragon Lord

So Red DOg hired you. I'd like to hire you to make chaos at dog conversation links or whatever. smiley - ok


Post 12


Sounds cool, can I play Venom?


Post 13

Commander Draco, Supreme Dragon Lord

smiley - huh Umm. You probably need to ask the mercenarie people. I'm just a dragon.


Post 14

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

*hands him one of the diffuse energy weapons, a silksteel armor suit, and a standard-issue backpack* Now, talk to Njan or Krans for your terminal pill, which gives you full status as a Mercenary and access to the GSV Incorrect Catachresis. If they don't give you one, I'll need the weapons/armor/etc back. And Draco, we'll need a more specific target. Also, It was the Hon. ex-Rambling who hired us, and she told us to stay off the Dog House until RD could give permission. And we'll need a 10,000 credit retainer.


Post 15

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost Oh, oh. smiley - run


Post 16

Captain Venom: (Making his triumphant return to H2G2!) Proud Keeper of ...

Oh, you run. You're immortal.


Post 17

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - laugh Yeh, but my fan club and my statue aren't.


Post 18


smiley - laugh

How do I find your mysterious allies?


Post 19

Peter aka Krans

*Hologram appears in middle of desk*

Captain Venom... how come I wasn't informed of the existence of this page...? Or am I just being stupid?


Post 20


Ahh, I do believe that you are the man whom Venom hath directed me to!

Can I join the merceneries?

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